
Οι Ευρωπαίοι πολίτες πληρώνουν για την ανάπτυξη της ισραηλινής πολεμικής βιομηχανίας...

Σχολιάζει ο Νίκος Κλειτσίκας Οι Ευρωπαίοι φορολογούμενοι πολίτες, όπως και οι σκληρά φορολογούμενοι Έλλη...

Σχολιάζει ο Νίκος Κλειτσίκας

Οι Ευρωπαίοι φορολογούμενοι πολίτες, όπως και οι σκληρά φορολογούμενοι Έλληνες πολίτες ενισχύουν την...
ισραηλινή πολεμική βιομηχανία κι αυτό δεν είναι συνωμοσιολογία, αλλά απόφαση της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής.
Χρήματα των Ευρωπαίων φορολογούμενων πολιτών καταλήγουν στις πολεμικές βιομηχανίες του Ισραήλ, στο ρατσιστικό καθεστώς και με περισσότερες από 70 καταδικαστικές αποφάσεις του ίδιου του ΟΗΕ, μέσω του “Αναπτυξιακού Προγράμματος Horizon 2020”.
- Oρίζοντας 2020: το πρόγραμμα της ΕΕ για Έρευνα & Καινοτομία
Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή και ΕΚΤ διαθέτουν τα χρήματά μας, αυτά που με αίμα πληρώνει και ο ελληνικός λαός, για να δολοφονούν τα παιδιά στη Γάζα, την Παλαιστίνη.
Κι οι φόροι μας, εκτός από το ναζιστικό ισραηλινό καθεστώς απαρτχάιντ, ενισχύουν το νεοναζιστικό καθεστώς που εγκαθίδρυσε η Ε.Ε. Στην Ουκρανία, όπως και τη Λιβύη των τζιχαντιστών της κυρίας Χίλαρυ, την Τουρκία για να παραβιάζει συνεχώς κι αδιαλείπτως τον εθνικό μας εναέριο χώρο και να έχει επιβάλλει κατοχή στο 40% της μαρτυρικής Κύπρου.
Γιατί πρέπει να πληρώνει και ο Έλληνας φορολογούμενος τις φονικές πολεμικές βιομηχανίες του Ισραήλ;
Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση... η “κοινή οικογένεια” των λαών της Ευρώπης αρέσκονται να μας βομβαρδίζουν συνεχώς και αδιάλειπτα τα ΜΜΕ κι οι πολιτικοί υπάλληλοι της Μέρκελ, δηλαδή η Ευρώπη των τραπεζιτών και των πολυεθνικών, προσφέρει αφειδώς στο Ισραήλ (μιας χώρα που δεν ανήκει καν στην “κοινή οικογένεια”), το χρήμα των Ευρωπαίων φορολογούμενων και φυσικά ανταμείβεται με την επιστροφή της σχετικής “προμήθειας” (μίζας, για να γίνουμε κατανοητοί) που κατευθύνεται στους δημοσιογράφους, τα ΜΜΕ κι εκείνους του πολιτικούς που υποστηρίζουν τον σιωνισμό.
Ανάμεσα στις πολεμικές βιομηχανίες του Ισραήλ, που ενισχύουμε κι εμείς ως Έλληνες φορολογούμενοι πολίτες (μισθωτοί, συνταξιούχοι με τις σχετικές περικοπές μισθών και συντάξεων, με την κατάργηση του ΕΚΑΣ, με τον ΕΝΦΙΑ, το ΧΑΡΑΤΣΙ “αλληλεγγύης”, με όλους τους καταναλωτές του 24% ΦΠΑ και πάει λέγοντας), μιας και δεν το ακούμε από τα πολιτικά κόμματα και την κυβέρνησή μας, ας δούμε ορισμένες που επισήμως περιγράφονται στο πρόγραμμα “Horizon 2020” (Israeli entities participating in Horizon 2020 include leading military companies) της “πολιτισμένης” και “δημοκρατικής” οικογένειας, η οποία μεταξύ άλλων μας σώζει από την καταστροφή και μας προσφέρει της ευημερία του ευρώ της...
Πρόκειται για τις εταιρίες που έχουν και άμεση συμμετοχή στη σφαγή του λαούς της Γάζας, με ειδίκευση στις δολοφονίες μικρών παιδιών και γυναικών: Elbit Systems, Israel Aerospace Industries, Technion – The Israel Institute of Technology, Hebrew University, Motorola Solutions Ltd...
Ακόμη κι ο πιο δύσπιστος αναγνώστης, έχει παρά να προστρέξει στη βάση δεδομένων που δημοσιοποιεί επισήμως η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση μέσω του ιστότοπου Cordis website και μετά να του γίνει κοινή συνείδηση που καταλήγουν οι δικές του θυσίες.
Ας δούμε ορισμένες πολεμικές βιομηχανίες που αναπτύσσονται με αίμα και Ελλήνων φορολογούμενων, για να εξοπλίζεται το "κράτος τρομοκράτης", όπως αποκαλούσε το Ισραήλ ο Τσίπρας, πριν γίνει πρωθυπουργος και φορώντας την Παλαιστινιακή μαντίλα των Ανταρτών Φενταγίν:
- Elbit Systems

FP7 funding received: €3,268,720

Horizon 2020 funding allocated so far: €403,750

Elbit Systems is Israel’s leading military technology and weapons company. It’s Hermes 450 and Hermes 900 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs or ‘drones) are widely used during Israel’s military assaults on Gaza and have been documented by Human Rights Watch as being used by the Israeli military to deliberately attack Palestinian civilians. In the wake of last year’s attack on Gaza, in which civilians were deliberately targeted using drones, Elbit Systems participated in a number conferences aimed at showcasing technologies used during the attack. According to research compiled by the Norwegian government that led to the government divesting its sovereign wealth fund from the company, Elbit Systems supplies an electronic surveillance system called ‘Torch’ for Israel’s illegal separation wall on an ongoing basis.The Norwegian government and several European banks have divested from the company due to these forms of complicity with Israeli violations of international law. Elbit has recently been approved to take part in FLYSEC, a Horizon 2020 security research program.

- Israel Aerospace Industries

FP7 funding received: €3,734,667

Horizon 2020 funding allocated so far: €2,013,899

Israel Aerospace Industries is a major manufacturer of drones used by the Israeli military. Its drones are also widely used during Israel’s military assaults on Gaza and have been documented by Human Rights Watch as being used by the Israeli military to deliberately attack Palestinian civilians. Israel Aerospace Industries is a key partner in the construction of Israel’s illegal separation Wall.

Israeli participants in Horizon2020 include companies deeply involved in Israel’s occupation and illegal settlements:

- Technion – The Israel Institute of Technology

FP7 funding received €70,310,554

Horizon 2020 funding so far: € 17,000,000 +

The institute conducts a wide variety of research into technology and weapons used to oppress and attack Palestinians. For example, Technion researchers have developed special unmanned vehicles that aid the Israeli army in destroying Palestinian houses. The institute also provides specially tailored courses and programs for military officials and Israeli arms company executives. Technion has a history of deep collaboration with Elbit Systems.

- Hebrew University

FP7 funding received: Participant in at least 126 FP7 projects,

Horizon 2020 funding so far: €12,450,000 +

One of the university’s campuses has expanded on to occupied Palestinian territory in a confiscation of Palestinian land. Some of the university owned student quarters are located in a settlement neighbourhood of occupied Palestinian East Jerusalem. In addition, the Hebrew University maintains close ties with the Israeli military. All Israeli military colleges and training facilities are under the academic auspices and responsibility of the Hebrew University. The university trains soldiers in sciences and technology and hosts a military base on its campus. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem participates in 126 FP7 projects. Through its deep links with the Israeli military, the university is directly complicit with violations of international law and abuses of human rights, including those that took place during the 2008-09 assault on Gaza.
- Motorola Solutions Ltd
FP7 funding received: Participant in at least 2 FP7 projects, precise funding received unknown
Horizon 2020 funding allocated so far: €906,727
Motorola Solutions Israel is a full subsidiary of the giant electronics and telecommunication corporation Motorola Solutions. In 2005, the company has won a tender of the Israeli Ministry of Defence, to provide virtual fences to Israeli settlements which refused to fence themselves. According to news reports, a Motorola radar detectors’ system has been installed in some 47 Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. The system is also used in the Separation Wall complex, in the wall around Gaza, and in military bases.
By allowing these companies to participate in EU research programs, the EU providing Israel with the political, material and financial support that it needs to continue to violate international law.
The Horizon 2020 code of ethics states that research carried out under Horizon 2020 should have an exclusive focus on civil applications and that research activities should comply with the European Convention on Human Rights. The Horizon 2020 ethics framework relies heavily on self-assessment and reporting by program participants and involves little rigorous investigation by the EU.
Israeli entities participating in Horizon 2020 include leading military companies:
- Elbit Systems
FP7 funding received: €3,268,720
Horizon 2020 funding allocated so far: €403,750
Elbit Systems is Israel’s leading military technology and weapons company. It’s Hermes 450 and Hermes 900 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs or ‘drones) are widely used during Israel’s military assaults on Gaza and have been documented by Human Rights Watch as being used by the Israeli military to deliberately attack Palestinian civilians. In the wake of last year’s attack on Gaza, in which civilians were deliberately targeted using drones, Elbit Systems participated in a number conferences aimed at showcasing technologies used during the attack. According to research compiled by the Norwegian government that led to the government divesting its sovereign wealth fund from the company, Elbit Systems supplies an electronic surveillance system called ‘Torch’ for Israel’s illegal separation wall on an ongoing basis.The Norwegian government and several European banks have divested from the company due to these forms of complicity with Israeli violations of international law. Elbit has recently been approved to take part in FLYSEC, a Horizon 2020 security research program.
Israel Aerospace Industries
FP7 funding received: €3,734,667
Horizon 2020 funding allocated so far: €2,013,899
Israel Aerospace Industries is a major manufacturer of drones used by the Israeli military. Its drones are also widely used during Israel’s military assaults on Gaza and have been documented by Human Rights Watch as being used by the Israeli military to deliberately attack Palestinian civilians. Israel Aerospace Industries is a key partner in the construction of Israel’s illegal separation Wall.
Israeli participants in Horizon2020 include companies deeply involved in Israel’s occupation and illegal settlements:
Technion – The Israel Institute of Technology
FP7 funding received €70,310,554
Horizon 2020 funding so far: € 17,000,000 +
The institute conducts a wide variety of research into technology and weapons used to oppress and attack Palestinians. For example, Technion researchers have developed special unmanned vehicles that aid the Israeli army in destroying Palestinian houses. The institute also provides specially tailored courses and programs for military officials and Israeli arms company executives. Technion has a history of deep collaboration with Elbit Systems.
Hebrew University
FP7 funding received: Participant in at least 126 FP7 projects,
Horizon 2020 funding so far: €12,450,000 +
One of the university’s campuses has expanded on to occupied Palestinian territory in a confiscation of Palestinian land. Some of the university owned student quarters are located in a settlement neighbourhood of occupied Palestinian East Jerusalem. In addition, the Hebrew University maintains close ties with the Israeli military. All Israeli military colleges and training facilities are under the academic auspices and responsibility of the Hebrew University. The university trains soldiers in sciences and technology and hosts a military base on its campus. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem participates in 126 FP7 projects. Through its deep links with the Israeli military, the university is directly complicit with violations of international law and abuses of human rights, including those that took place during the 2008-09 assault on Gaza.
Motorola Solutions Ltd.
FP7 funding received: Participant in at least 2 FP7 projects, precise funding received unknown
Horizon 2020 funding allocated so far: €906,727
Motorola Solutions Israel is a full subsidiary of the giant electronics and telecommunication corporation Motorola Solutions. In 2005, the company has won a tender of the Israeli Ministry of Defence, to provide virtual fences to Israeli settlements which refused to fence themselves. According to news reports, a Motorola radar detectors’ system has been installed in some 47 Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. The system is also used in the Separation Wall complex, in the wall around Gaza, and in military bases.
By allowing these companies to participate in EU research programs, the EU providing Israel with the political, material and financial support that it needs to continue to violate international law.
The Horizon 2020 code of ethics states that research carried out under Horizon 2020 should have an exclusive focus on civil applications and that research activities should comply with the European Convention on Human Rights. The Horizon 2020 ethics framework relies heavily on self-assessment and reporting by program participants and involves little rigorous investigation by the EU.

#Note: all data on funding awarded was obtained from database published by the EU via the Cordis website.
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Israeli entities participating in Horizon 2020 include leading military companies:
- Elbit Systems
FP7 funding received: €3,268,720
Horizon 2020 funding allocated so far: €403,750
Elbit Systems is Israel’s leading military technology and weapons company. It’s Hermes 450 and Hermes 900 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs or ‘drones) are widely used during Israel’s military assaults on Gaza and have been documented by Human Rights Watch as being used by the Israeli military to deliberately attack Palestinian civilians. In the wake of last year’s attack on Gaza, in which civilians were deliberately targeted using drones, Elbit Systems participated in a number conferences aimed at showcasing technologies used during the attack. According to research compiled by the Norwegian government that led to the government divesting its sovereign wealth fund from the company, Elbit Systems supplies an electronic surveillance system called ‘Torch’ for Israel’s illegal separation wall on an ongoing basis.The Norwegian government and several European banks have divested from the company due to these forms of complicity with Israeli violations of international law. Elbit has recently been approved to take part in FLYSEC, a Horizon 2020 security research program.
Israel Aerospace Industries
FP7 funding received: €3,734,667
Horizon 2020 funding allocated so far: €2,013,899
Israel Aerospace Industries is a major manufacturer of drones used by the Israeli military. Its drones are also widely used during Israel’s military assaults on Gaza and have been documented by Human Rights Watch as being used by the Israeli military to deliberately attack Palestinian civilians. Israel Aerospace Industries is a key partner in the construction of Israel’s illegal separation Wall.
Israeli participants in Horizon2020 include companies deeply involved in Israel’s occupation and illegal settlements:
Technion – The Israel Institute of Technology
FP7 funding received €70,310,554
Horizon 2020 funding so far: € 17,000,000 +
The institute conducts a wide variety of research into technology and weapons used to oppress and attack Palestinians. For example, Technion researchers have developed special unmanned vehicles that aid the Israeli army in destroying Palestinian houses. The institute also provides specially tailored courses and programs for military officials and Israeli arms company executives. Technion has a history of deep collaboration with Elbit Systems.
Hebrew University
FP7 funding received: Participant in at least 126 FP7 projects,
Horizon 2020 funding so far: €12,450,000 +
One of the university’s campuses has expanded on to occupied Palestinian territory in a confiscation of Palestinian land. Some of the university owned student quarters are located in a settlement neighbourhood of occupied Palestinian East Jerusalem. In addition, the Hebrew University maintains close ties with the Israeli military. All Israeli military colleges and training facilities are under the academic auspices and responsibility of the Hebrew University. The university trains soldiers in sciences and technology and hosts a military base on its campus. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem participates in 126 FP7 projects. Through its deep links with the Israeli military, the university is directly complicit with violations of international law and abuses of human rights, including those that took place during the 2008-09 assault on Gaza.
Motorola Solutions Ltd.
FP7 funding received: Participant in at least 2 FP7 projects, precise funding received unknown
Horizon 2020 funding allocated so far: €906,727
Motorola Solutions Israel is a full subsidiary of the giant electronics and telecommunication corporation Motorola Solutions. In 2005, the company has won a tender of the Israeli Ministry of Defence, to provide virtual fences to Israeli settlements which refused to fence themselves. According to news reports, a Motorola radar detectors’ system has been installed in some 47 Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. The system is also used in the Separation Wall complex, in the wall around Gaza, and in military bases.
By allowing these companies to participate in EU research programs, the EU providing Israel with the political, material and financial support that it needs to continue to violate international law.
The Horizon 2020 code of ethics states that research carried out under Horizon 2020 should have an exclusive focus on civil applications and that research activities should comply with the European Convention on Human Rights. The Horizon 2020 ethics framework relies heavily on self-assessment and reporting by program participants and involves little rigorous investigation by the EU.

#Note: all data on funding awarded was obtained from database published by the EU via the Cordis website.
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