
Απαγόρευση της μαντίλας στο Βέλγιο...

Από το Σε αποφασιστικό στάδιο για την απαγόρευση της χρήσης της ισλαμικής μαντίλας στους "δημόσιους ...

Από το

Σε αποφασιστικό στάδιο για την απαγόρευση της χρήσης της ισλαμικής μαντίλας στους "δημόσιους χώρους", συμπεριλαμβανομένων των δρόμων, βρίσκεται το Βέλγιο.
Η επιτροπή Εσωτερικών της Βουλής των Αντιπροσώπων με νομοσχέδιοαπαγορεύει τη χρήση της μαντίλας σε δημόσιους χώρους και το οποίο κατατέθηκε από το κόμμα των Φιλελεύθερων για την τροποποίηση του Ποινικού Κώδικα.
Σύμφωνα με το νόμο, τα άτομα που...

εμφανίζονται σε δημόσιο χώρο με ολόκληρο ή ένα μέρος του προσώπου τους καλυμμένο ή κρυμμένο από ένδυμα με τρόπο ώστε να μην μπορεί να αναγνωριστεί θα τιμωρούνται με πρόστιμο ή ακόμη και με ποινή φυλάκισης από μία έως επτά ημέρες.Εξαιρέσεις θα γίνονται μόνο σε εορταστικές εκδηλώσεις, όπως το καρναβάλι, οι οποίες έχουν εγκριθεί με δημοτική απόφαση.
Σύμφωνα με το νομοσχέδιο στον όρο "δημόσιος χώρος" θα πρέπει να περιλαμβάνονται όλοι οι δρόμοι, οι δημόσιοι κήποι, οι αθλητικές εγκαταστάσεις ή τα κτίρια δημόσιας χρήσης.
Η πρόταση έχει λάβει την υποστήριξη των πέντε κομμάτων του κυβερνητικού συνασπισμού δήλωσε ένας εκπρόσωπος του φιλελεύθερου Μεταρρυθμιστικού Κινήματος (MR), συμπληρώνοντας ότι θα πρέπει να εγκριθεί από την Επιτροπή Εσωτερικών και έπειτα πιθανότατα στις 22 Απριλίου από την Ολομέλεια της Βουλής.
Το Βέλγιο θα γίνει η πρώτη ευρωπαϊκή χώρα που θα απαγορεύσει τη χρήση της μαντίλας στο δρόμο.

20 σχόλια

  1. Μας έχετε πρήξει τα αρχίδια με τους κολολαθρομετανάστεσας Χρησιμοποιείτε όλες σας τις μεθόδους για να τους λυπηθούμε και για να συμφωνήσει και κάθε τελευταίος Έλληνας ,ακόμα και βόμβες βάζουν στα σκουπίδια για να σκοτωθεί κανένας μετανάστης για να τους λυπηθούμε όλα είναι σκηνοθετημένα τέλια
    Η λύση που σας προτείνουμε είναι η εξής . Η αρρώστια θεραπεύετε από την ρίζα του .
    Όταν έρχονται οι βάρκες με τους λαθρομετανάστες πρέπει
    Οι κάτοικοι των ακριτικών περιοχών να τις βυθίζουν να τους αφήνουν να πνίγονται , να τους σκοτώνουν και όσοι βγαίνουν στις ακτές να εκτελούνται , διότι αυτοί είναι ο πραγματικός εχθρός .
    Όλες αυτές οι κινήσεις πρέπει να γίνονται πριν έρθει το λιμενικό και τους μαζέψει , διότι τους υποστηρίζει το κράτος και είναι οι αυριανοί έλληνες πολίτες .
    Πρέπει όταν φτάσει το λιμενικό η επιχείρηση να έχει τελειώσει
    Μέσα σε πολύ ελάχιστο χρόνο και οι κάτοικοι να έχουν επιστρέψει σπίτια τους και να φοράνε τις πιτζάμες τους .
    Άντε και καλή επιτυχία , καλό βόλι και καλό Πάσχα

  2. Unless the entire civilized world takes account of this enduring and continuing danger to its liberty and peace, and unites in a resolute fashion against these criminal Saudis, then we are going to continue living for decades under their threat of terrorism – anywhere, everywhere, and anytime. The need for Saudi oil will still exist for another 20-30 years at least, until substitute energy supplies become available to cover expanding global needs with the massive expansion in the Far East economies, as well as in other countries.

    Born in Egypt in 1920, I have witnessed during the long course of my life the planning and plotting of the Muslim Brotherhood to religiously dominate Egypt, whose danger has multiplied by close collaboration with Saudi Arabia since 1970, enjoying enormous financial resources and working under different names – Hamas, Fatah, Ansar al-Islam, etc.

    Saudi Arabia has managed to bribe, not only the international media, but also prominent people in high positions affecting important security decisions all over the world, in order to conceal their horrifying global threat. And I am sorry and sad to say, that I doubt there are leaders in the Free World tough and honest enough to take the necessary decisions and actions, to face this erupting volcano of the Wahhabi Islamic epidemic around the world.

    Let us pray and hope for the wisdom of the leaders of the Free World.

    Adly A. Youssef,
    The oldest Egyptian Copt living in the Diaspora
    and head of the Copts-United.

  3. Executive Summary

    It is Saudi Arabia, more so than Iran or al-Qai`dah, which is the primary promoter of global jihad in our times.

    Based on religion, petro-dollars, and a firm state apparatus, the Saudis enjoy international legitimacy to pursue their campaign rooted in the Wahhabi doctrine to Islamicize Egypt and Lebanon in the Middle East at the expense of their indigenous and ancient Christian communities. Israel, too, confronted by Palestinian warfare against the Jewish state's existence, is a target of relentless Saudi ambitions. Meanwhile, as the United States has engaged the Saudis in the "oil-for-weapons" equation for many decades, Riyadh pursues policies often inimical to American interests in the Middle East and beyond. For ultimately, considering the Saudi role as financial sponsor and religious inspiration, America itself is targeted by the Islamic Dawah to succumb to the global triumph of Islam in history. Thus, a revision of Washington's traditional policy toward Saudi Arabia is the urgent issue to be considered.

  4. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world , besides the will of evil. It is not for us to deny the unpleasant rhythms of history; it is not for us to flee from our responsibilities. We must accept the world in which we live and the challenges that we face. We must understand that we are engaged in a military and ideological war that is global. It is existential because if we are not successful in defending ourselves we will cease to exist as a people and a nation. Our "better way" of radical "niceness" and extreme, anti-judgment tolerance and an acceptance of the ridiculous disproven concept that if only we are nice then those who wish to destroy us will be nice in return; the world and humanity have never functioned in this Utopian manner. The ideas of "right/wrong" and "good/evil" must be re-embraced as the world of reality is far removed from our fantasies of philosophical conundrums, mental gymnastics, and meaningless academic debates. We are now in an existential struggle founded upon the diametrically opposed concepts of freedom and civilization that we have always considered the core of our culture versus the anti-individual, brutal totalitarianism of Islam and its savage "legal code" of Sharia law. It would appear that we in the West have forgotten the complexities of civilizational conflict, with some in positions of importance denying even that such a conflict exists.

  5. Too bad, when modern politically correct and culturally diverse societies agree to the "reasonable" Muslim demands for their religious rights, they also get the other components under the table, dooming the societies and everything they worked to build, like the Borgs in "Star Trek
    United States -- Muslim 1.0%
    Australia -- Muslim 1.5%
    Canada -- Muslim 1.9%
    China -- Muslim 1%-2%
    Italy -- Muslim 1.5%
    Norway -- Muslim 1.8%

    At 2%-3% (too big to expel them without major government action and violence) they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs:

    Denmark -- Muslim 2%
    Germany -- Muslim 3.7%
    United Kingdom -- Muslim 2.7%
    Spain -- Muslim 4%
    Thailand -- Muslim 4.6%

    From 5% up they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population, pushing for the introduction of halal food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims, and putting pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves, along with threats for failure to comply (United States).

    France -- Muslim 8%
    Philippines -- Muslim 5%
    Sweden -- Muslim 5%
    Switzerland -- Muslim 4.3%
    The Netherlands -- Muslim 5.5%
    Trinidad & Tobago -- Muslim 5.8%

    At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under the sick superstitious male supremacist and cruel Medieval Sharia law. Remember that the ultimate goal of Islam from Day One per Prophet Muhammad's orders (after expelling all non-Muslims from Arabia, by the way, so much for their treatment of immigrants) is not to convert the world at first but to establish Sharia law by conversion and conquest then put relentless pressure on non-believers to make their life Hell unto they do.

    When Muslims begin to reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness by complaining about their living conditions (Paris -- car-burnings). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and violent threats despite the laws of the country that allowed them in (Amsterdam -- Mohammed cartoons).

    Guyana -- Muslim 10%
    India -- Muslim 13.4%
    Israel -- Muslim 16%
    Kenya -- Muslim 10%
    Russia -- Muslim 10-15%

    After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formation, sporadic killings, and church and synagogue burning:

    Ethiopia -- Muslim 32.8%

    At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare:

    Bosnia -- Muslim 40%
    Chad -- Muslim 53.1%
    Lebanon -- Muslim 59.7%

    From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia as a weapon, and the jizya tax placed on infidels just for living in their territory:

    Albania -- Muslim 70%
    Malaysia -- Muslim 60.4%
    Qatar -- Muslim 77.5%
    Sudan -- Muslim 70%

  6. Islam is not just a religion or a cult, it is a complete final world domination system that preys on all weaknesses to grow. Too bad, after spending 1400 years fighting to kick them out of the West inch by inch, step by step, and segregate them in the Middle East, a new generation of history ignoramuses has arisen that is opening the gates to them and rolling out the red-as-in-bloody carpet as if to spit on their ancestors' graves and tempt fate.

    Islam has religious, legal, political, economic and military components. The religious component and its insane Medieval male supremacist fairy tale version of the world is a beard for all the other components.

    Islamization occurs when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their so-called "religious rights", claiming that Islam is a harmless religion of peace and love, while telling critics to ignore the facts they see that in every country where they are in charge they trample on everybody else's. After all, every time a Muslim prays to Allah via their phony prophet, he has to touch his forehead to the ground, stamping it with the word dumbass, then walk around like that for the rest of the day, making any tiny perceived signal from a non-Muslim that that's what he sees on his forehead cause an uncontrollable explosion of rage, welcome to the World of I-Have-a-Chip-On-My-Shoulder. Sorry, Western concepts of religious rights don't cover acts, only beliefs, so take your hand off that sword please or I'll call the cops.

  7. Bangladesh -- Muslim 83%
    Egypt -- Muslim 90%
    Gaza -- Muslim 98.7%
    Indonesia -- Muslim 86.1%
    Iran -- Muslim 98%
    Iraq -- Muslim 97%
    Jordan -- Muslim 92%
    Morocco -- Muslim 98.7%
    Pakistan -- Muslim 97%
    Palestine -- Muslim 99%
    Syria -- Muslim 90%
    Tajikistan -- Muslim 90%
    Turkey -- Muslim 99.8%
    United Arab Emirates -- Muslim 96%

    100% will usher in the peace of "Dar-es-Salaam" -- the Islamic House of Peace -- where there's supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim:

    Afghanistan -- Muslim 100%
    Saudi Arabia -- Muslim 100%
    Somalia -- Muslim 100%
    Yemen -- Muslim 99.9%

    Of course, that's not really the case. Islam started in a dark cave, and that's what it draws everybody into. Jesus Christ died to save mankind from its sins and never committed one himself, but Prophet Mohammad sinned every day of the week and twice on Sunday, dirtying his hands with blood, having sex with multiple wives and practicing pedophilia, and teaching violence as the way to Paradise, making a true believer eager to sin to the max and go out killing infidels during a jihad so he can get his mansion in Paradise filled with babes, however stupid that sounds to us Westerners, they will plant bombs in their own butts to get there. To satisfy their blood lust, Muslims merrily kill each other for a variety of reasons, it's like our Western pastime with baseball, score three heads four arms, next inning.

    "Before I was nine I had learned the basic canon of Arab life. It was me against my brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the clan against the tribe; and the tribe against the world. And all of us against the infidel." -- Leon Uris, The Haj .

  8. Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 88:

    Narrated 'Ursa:

    The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with 'Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).

    And this is supposed to be the messenger of god and an example for all people to follow for all times?

    Wake up and get real, Muslims. Islam was nothing more that Muhammad’s ‘ticket to the good life’. Muhammad lied to people in order to get what he wanted. He made the whole thing up. He was such a good liar because he was so thoroughly insane. Muhammad simply created a new religion by rewriting the religious stories of Judaism and Christianity and combining them with Arabian folklore and other traditions. It is also likely that Muhammad’s followers attempted to improve his religion after his death—an impossible task that has failed horribly as one can plainly see.

    One can only appeal to the honesty and decency of Muslims and hope that once they learn the truth about Muhammad and his Islam, they will leave it, and do their part to help put an end to it. Tragically, the brainwashing process of Islamic indoctrination has left many Muslims far too ignorant and arrogant even to consider whether the claims of Muhammad’s Islam are in fact true or false. Many will go to their graves with sword in hand and hatred in heart and head, certain that Muhammad’s promise of paradise is waiting for them. The peaceful Muslims are no better, for they unwittingly give ‘good name’ to a ‘very bad religion’, and aid its survival. Neither of them will find gifts of virgins or rivers of flowing wine waiting for them on the other side, much to their surprise.

    I came across a brilliant quote the other day. It read something along the lines of: The world must put the Islamic source material (The Quran, Hadiths and Muhammad) on trial. The foundation or source of Islamic fanaticism is right there in these source materials. By simply exposing them to public scrutiny we can undermine the entire religion and return it to the world of dangerous fiction that it is.

  9. There is no such thing as a good Muslim. It's a contradiction in terms. There are good people who call themselves Muslims, but there are no good Muslims. Islam is a cruel and dangerous religion that pits Muslim against non-Muslim in an eternal battle. Muslims should be ashamed of their demented prophet and dump his cult of death.

    Muhammad’s perverse creed must be abandoned if the human race is to live in peace with one another and survive into the next century. The so-called ‘good Muslims’, especially the educated ones, who currently call themselves Muslims, ought to do the right thing and cut all ties with the religion whilst it is safe for them to do so.

    Without doubt, Muhammad was a murderous mad man, who created an exceptionally violent and exceedingly cruel religion. Many Muslims are aware of this basic fact but are fearful of leaving the religion for a wide variety of reasons. This is understandable due to the fact that the penalty for someone, who chooses to leave Islam, is death. Muhammad was a truly wicked and insane man behind the facade of his public image. Islam is a religion of fear and empty promises that leads to nothing short of definite collective disaster.

    With the passage of time, people of conscience—the good people who currently call themselves Muslims—will likely have the opportunity to leave Islam behind them should they choose to do so. These above-mentioned folks ought to be preparing themselves to leave Muhammad’s cult of Islam. If the integrity and future of such people means anything to them, they will safely do so when opportunity arises.

    It is crucial that both the apostates of Islam and non-Muslims summon their courage and join this great cause to help put an end to the evil ideology, known as the Islamic religion. A greater calling one will never find. Islam needs to be, and will be, thrown into the dustbin of history as nothing more than another dark chapter of mankind’s evolutionary past and spiritual development. Although Muslims are still stuck in denial, everyday more and more of them are discovering the terrible truth about Islam, and wishing that they could leave it. It is fear and false beliefs that keep people stick to Islam.

    Muslims, who stay in Islam and attempt to promote it knowing what they now surely know about it, are the lowest of human beings. Muhammad was a very sick man, or a beast if you prefer to call him. Child molestation is one of the worst of crimes. Muhammad, at the age of 52, married little 6 year old Aisha and began having sex with her when she reached the age of 9. Muhammad’s behavior cannot be justified by Muslims regardless ‘of the context’. Muhammad would be prosecuted for his crime and thrown in prison, if he were alive today.

  10. Muhammad was simply a mad man, who claimed to be a messenger from god. He egged on his followers to wage war, and rob those, who would not believe his claims of prophethood, and to bring the spoils (Islamic booty) to him. Muhammad straight-up used his followers. It is an insult to one’s intelligence to be told that one is to believe in the 21st century that Muhammad was ‘the perfect man’, deserving of veneration. Only a liar or a nutcase could go on believing such hogwash. Muhammad was a criminally insane charlatan. Whatever kind or just thing Muhammad said or did, he did so out of a desire to personally benefit from it. Muslims should be embarrassed and ashamed to call themselves Muslims; they should be planning to leave Islam when it is safe for them to do so.

    It is now becoming clear to many educated and informed Muslims that Islam is incapable of being reformed, and they are considering leaving it. One need only look to the Islamic nations that strictly adhere to Islamic dictates to understand that Islam, in practice, is a recipe for disaster. For, as any ‘true believer’ will tell you, a Muslim must conform to all of what Muhammad said both in the personal and political spheres of life. To understate it greatly, this causes immense problems. The whole premise of Islam is transparently false. Muhammad was not the messenger of God and Islam is not a religion of peace. Muhammad was a marauding butcher who created a horrendously unjust religion. It is not possible that god is that cruel.

    The real tragedy is the fact that the ‘good Muslims’ actually believe what they themselves are saying about Islam. So, in their own minds, they are not really lying, they are simply ignorant of their own religion, and not concerned with matters of accuracy. It is fear of hellfire and hopes of gaining paradise that prevent such Muslims from understanding the fact that the early, peaceful passages in the Quran are abrogated by the later passages that call for mandated injustice towards, and eternal warfare against, those who will not submit to Islam. Those human beings who continue to stay in Islam knowing the terrible truth about it are not human beings deserving of respect. TALOS


  12. Διαμαντοπούλου: «Ή αυτός ή εγώ».

    «Ή αυτός ή εγώ». Αυτή τη φράση φέρεται να χρησιμοποίησε η Άννα Διαμαντοπούλου σε συζήτηση που είχε με τον πρωθυπουργό που παρενέβη στην διένεξή της με τον υφυπουργό Παιδείας, Γ. Πανάρετος.

    Οι κόντρες υπουργού και υφυπουργού είναι μεγάλες και σχεδόν δεν μιλιούνται οι δυο τους. Ο Πανάρετος αρέσκεται στο να παίρνει πρωτοβουλίες χωρίς να ρωτά την Α. Διαμαντοπούλου, η Κοζανίτισσα «τα έχει πάρει στο κρανίο» και το θέμα έφτασε στον Γ. Παπανδρέου.

    Έλα όμως που ο κ. Πανάρετος είναι στενός συνεργάτης του πρωθυπουργού εδώ και δεκαετίες, από τότε που και οι δύο ήταν στο υπ. Παιδείας. Έλα που ο ίδιος ανέλαβε το εγχείρημα της ηλεκτρονικής διακυβέρνησης και της πρόσληψης στελεχών μέσω βιογραφικών στο ίντερνετ. Με όχι και τόση επιτυχία ομολογουμένως.

    Έτσι, ο πρωθυπουργός βρίσκεται εν μέσω εμφύλιας σύρραξης που σοβεί στο υπουργείο Παιδείας και δεν ξέρει τι να κάνει. Να αδειάσει την υπουργό του, και σημαίνον στέλεχος του ΠΑΣΟΚ (που όμως δεν είναι και τόσο θερμή Παπανδρεϊκή) ή να παραμερίσει τον στενό του συνεργάτη και σύμβουλό του.

    Το δίλημμα είναι μεγάλο, όπως και το διακύβευμα αφού μαζί με το εκρηκτικό δίδυμο Κατσέλη – Παπακωνσταντίνου, απειλούν τη συνοχή της κυβέρνησης.

    Προς ώρας είπε στην κ. Διαμαντοπούλου να δώσει τόπο στην οργή, αλλά η υπουργός έχει φτάσει στα όριά της. Μην εκπλαγείτε αν τη δείτε να παίρνει ανάποδες και να στρίβει από το υπουργείο.

    Υ.Γ.... Δεν γίνεται να την κάνουν και οι δύο και να πάρουν μαζί και την Δραγώνα;

  13. – Ο κ. Παπακωνσταντίνου, όπως και ο κ. Παπανδρέου, ζήτησαν μια συμφωνία που θα λειτουργήσει ως «αποτρεπτική απειλή», ως «περίστροφο στο τραπέζι» για τους κερδοσκόπους, ώστε να μη μας ωθήσουν σε χρεοκοπία…

    Και πήραν μια «Συμφωνία» που ενθαρρύνει τους κερδοσκόπους να μας σπρώξουν στη χρεοκοπία!

    – Ο κ. Παπακωνσταντίνου ζήτησε ένα «πιστόλι πάνω στο τραπέζι», και του έβαλαν ένα πιστόλι στην πλάτη!

    – Ο Ελληνικός Τύπος… πανηγύρισε για τη «νίκη της Ελλάδας», κι αποδείχθηκε ότι επρόκειτο για πλήρη επιβολή της Μέρκελ!

    Ο Ελληνικός Τύπος αποδείχθηκε αναξιόπιστος γιατί εμφάνισε:

    * την εγκατάλειψη (της Ελλάδας από την Ευρώπη) ως «Αλληλεγγύη» (της Ευρώπης προς την Ελλάδα),

    * την Αποτυχία ως «Επιτυχία» (της Κυβέρνησης)

    * και την «πισώπλατη μαχαιριά» (στην Ελλάδα) ως «πιστόλι στο τραπέζι» (των κερδοσκόπων).

    Σε μια δημοκρατία η κυβέρνηση έχει δικαίωμα να αποτύχει κάπου. Αλλά ο Τύπος δεν έχει δικαίωμα να συμπεριφέρεται ως Σοβιετικός μηχανισμός προπαγάνδας.

    Γιατί αυτό ακριβώς θυμίζουν πλέον: Σοβιετικό μηχανισμό προπαγάνδας!

    Με τη μόνη διαφορά ότι οι δικοί μας έκαναν ένα σφάλμα που δεν έκαναν ποτέ οι Σοβιετικοί:

    Πίστεψαν οι ίδιοι το ψέμα τους!

    Κι αυτό είναι πλέον κρίσιμο:

    Γιατί την ώρα της χρεοκοπίας και της κατάρρευσης χρειαζόμαστε ένα Τύπο που τηρεί τα ελάχιστα προσχήματα αξιοπιστίας. Ώστε να υπάρξει σχετικά ομαλή μετεξέλιξη…

    Ο Τύπος είναι «βηματοδότης» της δημοκρατίας. Ιδιαίτερα σε στιγμές κρίσης.

    Αλλά εδώ κοντεύει ο Τύπος να απαξιωθεί πλήρως, πριν καταρρεύσει η πολιτική τάξη την οποία στηρίζει πεισματικά.

    Κι αυτό δεν είναι απλά ανησυχητικό.

    Είναι εξαιρετικά επικίνδυνο…

  14. Στην Αθήνα μέχρι την Τετάρτη κλιμάκιο του ΔΝΤ

    Στην Αθήνα θα έρθει την ερχόμενη εβδομάδα (πιθανότατα την Τετάρτη, 7 Απριλίου), κλιμάκιο του Διεθνούς Νομισματικού Ταμείου, το οποίο θα έχει...επαφές με στελέχη του υπουργείου Οικονομικών.


  15. Second Wave of Attacks Near Jos, Nigeria Leaves 13 Christians Dead

    Villagers try to console a mother who lost family to the Muslim Fulani attack in Byei. (photo: Pam Ayuba)
    Muslim Fulani herdsmen strike two more villages, slaughtering women and children.
    LAGOS, Nigeria, March 17 (CDN) — Less than two weeks after a massive attack in Nigeria that killed 500 Christians, Muslim Fulani herdsmen today unleashed more horrific violence on two Christian villages in Plateau state, killing 13 persons, including a pregnant woman and children ......./////////Sheikh Incites Muslims to Attack Christians in Egypt

    Gutted vehicle from last weekend's Islamic attacks on a Coptic church in northern Egypt. (photo: Theban Legion)
    Assault on community center, church, homes leaves 24 Copts wounded.
    ISTANBUL, March 17 (CDN) — A mob of enraged Muslims attacked a Coptic Christian community in a coastal town in northern Egypt last weekend, wreaking havoc for hours and injuring 24 Copts before security forces contained them.........///////
    Officials Threaten to Burn Shelters of Expelled Christians

    Village heads tell church members they must recant faith or move elsewhere.
    DUBLIN, March 16 (CDN) — Officials in southern Laos in the next 48 hours plan to burn temporary shelters built by expelled Christians unless they recant their faith, according to advocacy group Human Rights Watch for Lao Religious Freedom (HRWLRF).

    Authorities including a religious affairs official, the district head, district police and the chief of Katin village in Ta-Oyl district, Saravan province, expelled the 48 Christians at gunpoint on Jan. 18. ........//////Islamic Assailants Kill Hundreds of Christians Near Jos

    A survivor among the many children slain in Sunday's attacks on Christians in villages near Jos.
    Fulani herdsmen strike Christian villages, slaying mainly ethnic Berom with machetes.
    LAGOS, Nigeria, March 8 (CDN) — An uneasy calm prevailed in Plateau state, Nigeria today following the killing of hundreds of Christians early yesterday morning in three farming villages near Jos by ethnic Fulani Muslims.

    The mostly ethnic Berom victims included many women and children killed with machetes by rampaging Fulani herdsmen. About 75 houses were also burned.......///////

  16. Iranian Pastor Tortured, Threatened for ‘Converting Muslims’

    Arrest, imprisonment appear to be part of larger crackdown in Isfahan.
    ISTANBUL, March 8 (CDN) — An Assyrian pastor the Iranian government accused of “converting Muslims” is being tortured in prison and threatened with execution, sources close to the case said ........//////
    Christian Woman Jailed under Pakistan’s ‘Blasphemy’ Laws

    Radical Muslim relative of accuser uses statute to exact revenge, Christian leader says.
    GUJRANWALA, Pakistan, March 24 (CDN) — Police in Alipur have arrested a Christian woman on a baseless accusation of “blaspheming” the prophet of Islam and tried to keep rights groups from discovering the detention, a Christian leader said. .......//////
    Islamic Extremists in Somalia Kill Church Leader, Torch Home

    Islamic extremists looted and set fire to a home outside of Mogadishu once they found out it contained a Bible. (photo: Compass)
    Al Shabaab militants execute pastor; government-aligned Islamists burn house containing Bible.
    NAIROBI, Kenya, March 24 (CDN) — Islamic militants in Somalia tracked down an underground church leader who had previously escaped a kidnapping attempt and killed him last week, Christian sources said ....... ////////
    Muslims Murder Pakistani Christian with Axe Blows

    The body of Rasheed Masih at rest after his violent death. (photo: Compass)
    Rival merchants threatened to kill potato seller if refused to convert to Islam.
    MIAN CHANNU, Pakistan, March 22 (CDN) — Six Muslims in Khanewal district, southern Punjab Province, killed a Christian with multiple axe blows for refusing to convert to Islam this month, according to family and police sources. ......../////
    Pakistani Muslims Accused of Rape Allegedly Attack Sisters

    Muslim rape suspects allegedly beat Muniran Bibi and her sister to try to get their Christian family to drop rape charges. (photo: Compass)
    Fearing conviction, five suspects said to beat 15- and 21-year-old into dropping charges.
    LAHORE, Pakistan, March 18 (CDN) — Five Muslims allegedly ransacked the house of an impoverished Christian in this capital city of Punjab Province last month and angrily beat his daughters in an effort to get the family to withdraw rape charges ....../////

    Lao Officials Visit Expelled Christians, Give Assurances

    Officials led by provincial governor explain law providing for right to believe.
    DUBLIN, March 19 (CDN) — Officials in Laos’ Saravan Province yesterday visited 48 Christians expelled from Katin village and assured them that they had the legal right to embrace the faith of their choice, according to advocacy group Human Rights Watch for Lao Religious Freedom (HRWLRF .......///////

  17. Morocco Begins Large-Scale Expulsion of Foreign Christians

    Ongoing purge launched nationwide to stop ‘proselytization.’
    ISTANBUL, March 12 (CDN) — Moroccan authorities deported more than 40 foreign Christian aid workers this week in an ongoing, nationwide crackdown that included the expulsion of foster parents caring for 33 Moroccan orphans.

    Deportations of foreign Christians continued at press time, with Moroccan authorities expressing their intention to deport specifically U.S. nationals. Sources in Morocco told Compass that the government gave the U.S. Embassy in Rabat a list of 40 citizens to be deported ....//////Egyptian Court Refuses to Return Passport to Christian

    Convert from Islam tried to leave country to save his life.
    ISTANBUL, March 15 (CDN) — An Egyptian court last week refused to return the passport of a convert from Islam who tried to leave Egypt to save his life, the Christian said on Friday (March 12).

    On Tuesday (March 9) the Egyptian State Council Court in Giza, an administrative court, refused to return the passport of Maher Ahmad El-Mo’otahssem Bellah El-Gohary. El-Gohary said he was devastated by the decision, which essentially guarantees him several more months of living in fear.....////////
    Construction of Two Churches Stopped in Indonesia

    Government unduly seals shut one church building, Islamic mob forces halt to another.
    JAKARTA, Indonesia, March 25 (CDN) — An Islamic mob stopped construction of Santa Maria Immaculata Catholic Church in Citra Garden, West Jakarta earlier this month even as government officials in Yasmin Park, Bogor, West Java halted work on an Indonesian Christian Church (GKI) building.

    On March 12, the same day GKI faced closure from government officials, protestors led by the United Islam Forum (FUIB) blockaded the entrance to Citra Garden, demanding that construction of the Catholic church building there cease. They based their demand on the claim that it did not have the approval of the local citizens, but the church had official permission and therefore has been under construction for several weeks ......//////Latest Offerings from the Religion of Peace
    "He who fights that Islam should be superior fights in Allah's cause"
    Muhammad, prophet of Islam

    2010.03.31 (Kizlyar, Dagestan) - Two suicide bombers send twelve innocent souls to Allah, including rescue workers.
    2010.03.31 (Lashkar Gah, Afghanistan) - A dozen people at a wheat market are blown to bits by a Jihad bicycle bomb.
    2010.03.31 (Pattani, Thailand) - Islamic militants shoot one man to death and wound two others as they are watcing TV in their home.
    2010.03.30 (Heart, Afghanistan) - The Taliban murder five civilians with a roadside bomb.
    2010.03.30 (Mosul, Iraq) - Two civilians are shot to death by Sunni militants.
    2010.03.30 (Hyderabad, India) - Muslims attack a Hindu festival, burning cows, destroying property and stabbing a 22-year-old to death.

  18. Muslim Sentenced for Stabbing Priest in Izmir
    Assailant influenced by TV series defaming Christian missionaries.
    ISTANBUL, January 12 (CDN) — A judge in Turkey sentenced a 19-year-old Muslim to four-and-a-half years in prison on Jan. 5 for stabbing a Catholic priest in the coastal city of Izmir in December 2007 ...../////Ancient Monastery Threatened
    Muslims’ legal action against 1,600-year-old structure called ‘malicious.’
    ISTANBUL, January 22 (CDN) — Syriac Christians in southeastern Turkey say a land dispute over the historic Mor Gabriel Monastery is part of a larger system of discrimination against the religious minority in this overwhelmingly Islamic country.

    Muslim residents of southeastern Turkey dispute the boundary lines of an ancient Christian monastery dating to the fourth century as being unnecessarily large for the needs of a religious community. Islamic village leaders from Yayvantepe, Eglence and Candarli are attempting to confiscate one-third of the monastery’s property, claiming it was wrongfully appropriated and that they need it for their livestock......//////Two More Arrested in Malatya Murders
    Ex-journalist, former volunteer at publishing house suspected of instigating slaughter.
    ISTANBUL, February 12 (CDN) — A Turkish court has charged two more men for instigating the murder of three Christians in Malatya in 2007 – a former volunteer worker at the Christian publishing house where they were killed, and an ex-journalist suspected of ties to a group that tried to engineer a political coup.

    The arrests add growing evidence to the belief that the murders resulted not just from five troubled youths incited by religious or nationalist anger, but from a larger plan to create chaos in the country and kill specific people....//////
    Christian Bookshop in Adana Vandalized
    Second attack within one week follows threats from Muslim nationalists.
    ISTANBUL, February 17 (CDN) — Following threats from Muslim nationalists, a Turkish Bible Society bookshop in the southern city of Adana was vandalized for the second time in a week on Thursday (Feb. 12).....///////‘Insulting Turkishness’ Case Proceeds under Revised Law

    Turan Topal and Hakan Tastan (photo: Bla Bla)
    Ministry of Justice decision suggests spreading Christianity may be unlawful in Turkey.
    ISTANBUL, March 20 (CDN) — Turkey’s decision last month to try two Christians under a revised version of a controversial law for “insulting Turkishness” because they spoke about their faith came as a blow to the country’s record of freedom of speech and religion.....//////

  19. Turks Threaten to Kill Priest over Swiss Minaret Decision

    The Virgin Mary Syrian Orthodox Church of Diyarbakir
    Slap to religious freedom in Switzerland leads to threat over church bell tower in Turkey.
    ISTANBUL, December 15 (CDN) — In response to a Swiss vote banning the construction of new mosque minarets, a group of Muslims this month went into a church building in eastern Turkey and threatened to kill a priest unless he tore down its bell tower, according to an advocacy group.

    Three Muslims on Dec. 4 entered the Meryem Ana Church, a Syriac Orthodox church in Diyarbakir, and confronted the Rev. Yusuf Akbulut. They told him that unless the bell tower was destroyed in one week, they would kill him..../////// European Human Rights Court Rules in Favor of Turkish Church

    Attorney Orhan Kemal Cengiz
    Christians hope decision will lead to greater religious freedom.
    ISTANBUL, December 18 (CDN) — In a decision many hope will lead to greater religious freedom in Turkey, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) found that a Turkish court ruling barring a church from starting a foundation violated the congregation’s right to freedom of association.....///////Assailant in Street Attack in Turkey Ordered Released

    Ismail Aydin, here in front of the Kadikoy courthouse, says he has forgiven his assailant. (photo: Compass)
    Court ignores ‘religious hostility’ of Turk who held knife to Christian’s throat.
    ISTANBUL, February 12 (CDN) — An Istanbul court has ordered the release of a jailed Turk who publicly threatened and held a knife to the throat of a Christian he attacked six months ago....//////. TALOS

  20. Christians May Appeal Fine for ‘Illegal’ Funds
    Converts accused of ‘insulting Turkishness’ fear ruling sets dangerous precedent.
    ISTANBUL, March 26 (CDN) — Fearing that a court-ordered fine of two Turkish Christians here for “illegal collection of funds” would set a precedent crippling to churches, their lawyer plans to take the case to a European court......///////Local Officials' Role Emerges in Malatya Murders

    Christian martyrs, Necati Aydin, Ugur Yuksel, Tilmann Geske (photo: Compass)
    Former police commander, university researcher, suspected ringleader’s father testify.
    MALATYA, Turkey, April 15 (CDN) — Two years after the murder of three Christians in this city in southeastern Turkey, lawyers at a hearing here on Monday (April 13) uncovered important information on the role that local security forces played in the slaughter......//////
    Iranian Refugee in Turkey Beaten for His Faith
    Convert to Christianity loses another job as co-workers learn he’s not Muslim.
    ISTANBUL, June 15 (CDN) — Since Iranian native Nasser Ghorbani fled to Turkey seven years ago, he has been unable to keep a job for more than a year – eventually his co-workers would ask why he didn’t come to the mosque on Fridays, and one way or another they’d learn that he was a convert to Christianity...../////Christian Murdered on Busy Street in Istanbul, Turkey
    Mentally disturbed Muslim stabs German businessman as he leaves church.
    ISTANBUL, July 28 (CDN) — On a crowded street here last week a German businessman died after a Turk with a history of mental problems stabbed him for being a Christian..../////Turkish Christian Held Hostage at Knife Poin
    Young Muslim threatens to slit throat of convert; police arrest him after short standoff.
    ISTANBUL, August 6 (CDN) — In a bizarre show of Turkish nationalism, a young Muslim here took a Christian Turk at knife point, draped his head with the national flag and threatened to slit the throat of the “missionary dog” in broad daylight earlier this week......./////Turkish Police Official Axed amid Allegations in Murders

    Head of intelligence allegedly hid evidence, failed to prevent slaying of Christians.
    MALATYA, Turkey, October 22 (CDN) — The head of Turkey’s police intelligence department was removed on Friday (Oct. 16) amid allegations that he failed to prevent the murder of the Christian editor of an Armenian weekly and the slayings of three Christians in this city in southeastern Turkey.

    Ramazan Akyurek is also accused of withholding evidence in those cases and improperly investigating the murder of a Catholic priest in 2006......////


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