
Σπέρνουν τον φόβο για την αυριανή απεργία...

, ,, Το πλήρες περιεχόμενο εγγράφου που μοιράζει η Αστυνομία στο κέντρο της Αθήνας . Πριν από λίγη ώρα, αστυνομικοί μοίραζαν στο κέντρο της...

, ,,
Το πλήρες περιεχόμενο εγγράφου που μοιράζει η Αστυνομία στο κέντρο της Αθήνας
Πριν από λίγη ώρα, αστυνομικοί μοίραζαν στο κέντρο της Αθήνας ένα ...προειδοποιητικό χαρτί της ΕΛ.ΑΣ. εν όψει της αυριανής απεργιακής κινητοποίησης με τίτλο :"Ενημέρωση πολιτών - Προστασία κτιριακών εγκαταστάσεων".
Και γράφει τα εξής: "Σας γνωρίζουμε ότι την 12/03/2008 θα πραγματοποιηθούν απεργιακές συγκεντρώσεις ΓΣΕΕ-ΑΔΕΔΥ.
Συγκεκριμένα να προβείτε σε ασφαλές κλείσιμο των θυρών, έλεγχο των συστημάτων πυρασφάλειας σας, απομάκρυνση διακοσμητικών ή άλλων αντικειμένων που τυχόν έχετε εξωτερικά των κτιρίων σας, απομάκρυνση οχημάτων κατά μήκος της πορείας, διασφάλιση αντικειμένων που έχετε στις προθήκες καταστημάτων σας, να έχετε σε ετοιμότητα προσωπικό ασφαλείας και γενικότερα να λάβετε κάθε μέτρο που κατά την κρίση σας θα διασφαλίσει καλύτερα το κτίριο σας. Επειδή οι ομάδες αυτές ενδεχομένως να ενεργήσουν και σε άλλους χρόνους (προγενέστερα της πορείας) παρακαλούμε οπως εγκαίρως λάβετε τα μέτρα προστασίας σας.
Σε περίπτωση τελέσεως οικοδομικών εργασιών να μεριμνήσετε να έχουν απομακρυνθεί τις πρώτες πρωϊνές ώρες της 12-03-2008 τα κοντέϊνερ με οικοδομικά υλικά καθώς και κάθε άλλο αντικείμενο που μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί για διάπραξη εκνόμων ενεργειών και να ασφαλίσετε πλήρως τους χώρας σας, ώστε να μην είναι δυνατή η πρόσβαση ατόμων σε αυτούς".
Πολλοί από αυτούς που το διάβασαν, κατάλαβαν ότι δεν είναι απλό τυπικό χαρτί. Αλλά ότι με αυτό επιχειρείται να δημιουργηθεί κλίμα φόβου, ότι αύριο θα γίνουν ταραχές από "ομάδες" και ότι τελικά είναι καλύτερα να ...αποφύγει ο κόσμος να πάρει μέρος στις συγκεντρώσεις.
Θα πετύχουν το στόχο τους;

84 σχόλια



  3. Δε φοβόμαστε τους δειλούς αρχομανείς!
    Το ΝΑΤΟ ετοιμάζεται να μας μακελέψει, κι οι φοβικοί, διχαστικοί αριστεροδεξιοί μισέλληνες ( ) νομίζουν ότι θα βγουν από λάκκο που μας ανοίγουν... Μόνο που αν οι κανίβαλοι καταλάβαιναν ότι είναι μέσα στο λάκκο που σκάβουν για τους άλλους, δε θα υπήρχε κανιβαλισμός. Πάντως τελευταίοι θα μείνουν οι ψυχραιμότεροι!
    Climate change may spark conflict with Russia, EU told
    A summit of Nato leaders in Bucharest next month will discuss the problem for the first time, while a new manifesto for a radical overhaul of the western alliance moots the possibility of Nato being used "as an instrument of energy security".
    A report from the EU's top two foreign policy officials to the 27 heads of government gathering in Brussels for a summit this week warns that "significant potential conflicts" are likely in the decades ahead as a result of "intensified competition over access to, and control over, energy resources".
    The seven-page report, obtained by the Guardian, has been written by Javier Solana, the EU's foreign policy supremo, and Benita Ferrero-Waldner, the commissioner for external relations. It predicts that global warming will precipitate security issues for Europe, ranging from energy wars to mass migration, failed states and political radicalisation.
    The report warns of greater rich-poor and north-south tension because climate change will be most catastrophic in the poor south.

  4. Εμένα μου φαίνεται σαν ένα απλό τυπικο χαρτί από αυτά που διακινούν οι υπηρεσίες κατά χιλιάδες

    και σ'αυτή τη περίπτωση μάλλον χρήσιμο στην περίπτωση που κάποιος καταστηματάρχης ξεχαστεί ότι έχει πορεία και αφήσει κανένα καμιά βιτρίνα ορθάνοιχτη

    Μην ξεχνάτε ότι μετά το γεγονότα του press έχουμε κλείσει τις τηλεοράσεις





  7. Είναι μάλλον προβοκατόρικο να βλέπετε συνωμοσίες παντού.

    Είναι απλώς ένα χαρτί που προσφέρει ενημέρωση στους πολίτες-καταστηματάρχες για την καλύτερη προστασία τους, και τίποτα παραπάνω.

    Θα περίμενα να τοποθετηθούμε όλοι αυστηρά υπέρ της άποψης ότι Η ΟΠΟΙΑ ΔΙΑΜΑΡΤΥΡΙΑ ΔΕΝ ΘΑ ΠΡΕΠΕΙ ΝΑ ΑΓΓΙΖΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΠΕΡΙΟΥΣΙΑ ΤΟΥ ΣΥΜΠΟΛΙΤΗ ΜΑΣ.

  8. Πολύ καλά κάνει η Αστυνομία και προειδοποιεί. Θα έπρεπε επί πλέον να επιτρέψει τη χρήση όπλων από τους καταστηματάρχες, προκειμένου να προστατεύσουν το προϊόν του μόχθου των. Τα «προοδευτικά» καθάρματα, οι «γνωστοί άγνωστοι», να γίνουν οριστικά γνωστοί ως τραυματίες ή και ως νεκροί. Όπως έγινε με τον Ξηρό και τον Τσουτσουβή.

  9. όταν σας ανοίξουν τα κεφάλια και σας κάψουν τα αυτοκίνητα, τότε θα καταλάβετε

  10. Οι διαδηλώσεις πρέπει να γίνονται όπως και οι απεργίες.

    Από την άλλη όμως η αστυνομία δεν έχει και άδικο αν "έβγαλε" αυτή την ανακοίνωση.

    Κάθε εβδομάδα το κέντρο της Αθήνας γίνεται απροσπέλαστο.
    Η αγορά κλείνει. Σπίτια και αυτοκίνητα καταστρέφονται και η σωματική ακεραιότητα των πολιτών βρίσκεται σε κίνδυνο.
    Στην Αθήνα του 2008 , στη χειρότερη πόλη της Ευρώπης , στη πιο βρώμικη πόλη που υπάρχει αυτή τη στιγμή στην Ήπειρο μας η κατάσταση έχει ξεφύγη προ πολλού και κάποιος πρέπει να σταματήσει αυτή την ασυδοσία που υπάρχει.
    Όλα έχουν ένα όριο σε αυτή τη ζωή και ελευθερία στο όνομα της Δημοκρατίας δεν σημαίνει Αναρχία.

    Δεν μπορούμε να πληρώνουμε άλλο κρατικοδίαιτους υπαλλήλους που θέλουν σε 15 χρόνια να παίρνουν σύνταξη, γυναίκες που φωνάζουν επειδή νομίζουν ότι με το να κάνουν 1-2-3 ή περισσότερα παιδιά μπορούν να παίρνουν σε 15 χρόνια σύνταξη και από τα οποία τα 5 δεν θα δουλεύουν και θα κάθονται σπιτι τους να πληρώνονται από όλους τους υπόλοιπους Μαλάκες.

    Καλά θα κάνει λοιπόν η αστυνομία να τους κόψει το κώλο και τα παϊδια διότι πολίτες δεν είναι μόνο αυτοί που απεργούν ή που διαδηλώνουν ή αυτοί που τα σπάνε αλλά πολίτες είναι και όλοι οι υπόλοιποι που μέχρι στιγμής ανέχονται τέτοια αίσχη σε μια ωραία χώρα που την έχουν καταντήσει κάποιοι ΜΠΟΥΡΔΕΛΟ

  11. Ναι,βλέπεις δε γίνονται ΠΟΤΕ επεισόδια σ'αυτές τις πορείες (οχι απο τους απεργους βέβαια,απο τα γνωστά ψευτοαναρχικά πρεζόνια),δεν σπάνε ΠΟΤΕ τα μαγαζιά του κοσμάκη,δεν καινε ΠΟΤΕ αυτοκίνητα!

    Εχετε δίκιο,που τους ήρθε να βγάλουν τέτοια ανακοίνωση;

  12. Pes ta re file.
    Swsta ta les . Kanonika sta 90 prepei na pairnoun oloi syntaksi stin ellada tetoioi tempelides poy einai.
    Simera loipoyn oi misoi kai pleon ypaliloi apo tis dimosies ypiresies konontas akoma koulouma.

    Oi xeftiles de ftanei pou mpainoun me meso sto dimosio , de ftanei pou tempeliazoun oli mera ,de ftanei pou apergoun 100 meres to xrono , de ftanei pou den paragoun alla theloun na pairnoun kai syntaksi sta 50 tous i sta 60 tous.
    An den tous aresei na sikwthoun na fygoun kai na ksekoumpistoun apo to dimosio , na anoiksoun theseis gia ta paidia pou einai anergoi kai den exoun mesa kai theious sti koroni.

  13. Είτε έχουν δίκιο είτε έχουν άδικο οι απεργοί και αυτοί που διαδηλώνουν , είτε έχουν δίκιο είτε άδικο οι ακροαριστεροί και οι ακροδεξιοί να πάνε να γαμηθούν όλοι τους γιατί όπως είπε ένας παραπάνω η Ελλάδα και είδικότερα η Αθήνα έχει γίνει Μπουρδέλο.

  14. Αι στο Διάολο πια με τις διαδηλώσεις .

    Να πάνε να διαδηλώνουν σε κανένα χωράφι στο χωριό τους , από εκεί δηλαδή που μαζεύτηκαν όλοι αυτοί που κλείνουν το κέντρο μια-δύο φορές την εβδομάδα κάνοντας δύσκολη τη ζωή στη συντριπτική πλειοψηφία του κόσμου που δεν διαδηλώνει και δεν τα σπάει.

    Χάνουν το δίκιο τους με αυτές τις ενέργειες.



  16. Αι στο Διάολο πια με τις διαδηλώσεις .
    Χάνουν το δίκιο τους με αυτές τις ενέργειες.....

    11 Μάρτιος 2008 12:58 μμ






  17. Προφανώς έχουν ετοιμάσει ήδη το γλέντι.
    Δεν υπάρχουν μπάτσοι, μονο τσοπανόσκυλα.
    Ούτε αριστεροί και δεξιοί, μονο πρόβατα.
    Ξυπνάτε πατριώτες, πάμε για το μάντρωμα.

  18. Χάνουν το δίκιο τους με αυτές τις ενέργειες.





  19. 1.00 οτι κυκλοφορούν αδέσποτοι μαλάκες σαν κι εσένα και το θέαμα είναι αντιτουριστικό



























    Η ΗΛΕΙΑ βρίσκεται στην προτελευταία θέση απ όλη τη χώρα από πλευράς αγοραστική δύναμης

    Στη νότια ΗΛΕΙΑ αλλά και σε άλλες περιοχές αρκετοί επαγγελματίες δεν έχουν χρήματα να πληρώσουν το ΤΕΒΕ.



    Η ΗΛΕΙΑ βρίσκεται στην προτελευταία θέση απ όλη τη χώρα από πλευράς αγοραστική δύναμης

    Στη νότια ΗΛΕΙΑ αλλά και σε άλλες περιοχές αρκετοί επαγγελματίες δεν έχουν χρήματα να πληρώσουν το ΤΕΒΕ.



    Η ΗΛΕΙΑ βρίσκεται στην προτελευταία θέση απ όλη τη χώρα από πλευράς αγοραστική δύναμης

    Στη νότια ΗΛΕΙΑ αλλά και σε άλλες περιοχές αρκετοί επαγγελματίες δεν έχουν χρήματα να πληρώσουν το ΤΕΒΕ.



    Η ΗΛΕΙΑ βρίσκεται στην προτελευταία θέση απ όλη τη χώρα από πλευράς αγοραστική δύναμης

    Στη νότια ΗΛΕΙΑ αλλά και σε άλλες περιοχές αρκετοί επαγγελματίες δεν έχουν χρήματα να πληρώσουν το ΤΕΒΕ.



    Η ΗΛΕΙΑ βρίσκεται στην προτελευταία θέση απ όλη τη χώρα από πλευράς αγοραστική δύναμης

    Στη νότια ΗΛΕΙΑ αλλά και σε άλλες περιοχές αρκετοί επαγγελματίες δεν έχουν χρήματα να πληρώσουν το ΤΕΒΕ.








































































  27. 1.32 καλά σαράντα....

    χα χα χα

    23 πήρε ο γιωργάκης μεγάλε, καλά σαράντα στο πασοκ

    ρίξτε κι ασβέστη πάνω στο πτώμα γιατί βρώμισε



    11 Μάρτιος 2008 1:18 μμ


























  33. Ρε xoriatis, τι σχέση έχει η διεύθυνση που δίνεις με τα υπόλοιπα που γράφεις;

    Δε σ' αρέσει που ο κόσμος κράζει εδώ τους νταβατζήδες της ΔΕΗ;

    Μόνο όποτε σε συμφέρει πολιτικά υποστηρίζεις τα λαϊκά αιτήματα;

    Σε αντίθετη περίπτωση η λαϊκή αγανάκτηση αποδίδεται σε κυβερνητικούς, αντιδραστικούς και προβοκάτορες;

  34. Πρέπει να ρίξουν οι δημόσιου υπάλληλοι νερό στο κρασί τους δεν μπορεί ορισμένοι να παίρνουν συντάξεις 1500-2000 + χιλιάρικα και άλλοι να παίρνουν 300 και 400 ευρώ επειδή είναι στο δημόσιο αλλιώς σε όποιον δεν του αρέσει να παραιτηθεί και να πάει να δουλέψει στο ιδιωτικό τομέα να δει την γλύκα...

    Όσο αφορά και το δάμαλο να σε δούμε τι θα κάνεις και με τα μεγάλα κεφάλια ξεπάτωσε όσους χρωστούν ασφαλιστικές εισφορές και όσοι κατεξακολουθηση κατακλέβουν και χρωστούν στο κράτος.

  35. Παρακαλούνται όσοι ενοχλήθηκαν από την ανακοίνωση και ζουν ή δουλεύουν στο κέντρο να αφήσουν το αυτοκίνητο τους εκεί, να αφήσουν το μαγαζί ανοιχτό ίσως και με προβολείς να το φωτίζουν.
    Αλλα μάλλον αγωνιστές μπορεί να είμαστε όλοι μας, μαλάκες όμως μάλλον όχι...

    Καλά δεν πάτε καλά. Λες και δεν γνωρίζετε τι γίνεται σε κάθε σχεδόν πορεία όχι φυσικά από τους διαδηλωτές αλλά από προσκωλημένους θρασύδειλους ψευτοεπαναστάτες που ηδονίζονται να βλέπουν μικροπεριουσίες να καίγονται στο πνεύμα ενός συνθήματος που διάβασα κάπου: "Φωτίζουν μόνο τα σχολεία που καίγονται".
    Έλεος πια να βλέπετε παντού προβοκάτσια.

  36. ΟΧΙ ΣΤΗΝ






  37. EISTE KALA???

    Exo arxisei kai anarotieme (kai malista sobara) ti anthropoi(an exoun tin anhtropini ipostasi i mono pleon me tin zoiki tous kinountai) kikloforoun sta blogs.

    mipos eiste organomenoi kai analogos mpainete kai grafete opou sas exei dothei entoli.

    Bravo stin astinomia pou tipose kai mirase to enimerotiko filladio.

    Bravo stous apergous pou den perimenoun na doun ti tha ginei gia autous , xoris autous.

    Stin koinonia pou zoume apo oti katalaba exei xathei i ennoia tis filias kai exei perasei pleon mono i ennoia "gia tin parti mou-mas". Exete oloi sas sispirothei kato apo simaies , organoseis i opos allios thelete peite to kai kiniste analoga me tin politiki kai tin thesi tis kathe organosis.

    Epeita afou parete tin grammi bgainete , brizete kai kritikarete autous pou eidi exete psifisei i den exete psifisei analoga me to an simfoneite mazi tous i oxi.

    Kai sto telos afou bgoune i men kai spasoun bgainoun i de kai krazoun.

    Auto gia sas einai dimokratia?
    Mipos tha eprepe kat'esas na iparxoun kai kameres kai perissoteroi astinomikoi?

    Ego san lisi blepo mono mia. Breite filous!!! filous oi opoioi na einai alithinoi kai na sas agapane kai oxi na sas xrisimopoioun kata to ofelos tous. Breite filous pou tha sas simbouleuoun kai tha tous simbouleuete gia na pratete to sosto kai oxi gia to ofelos tous.

    Sti xora mas den leipete i astinomia oute kai oi "taraksies". Leipontai oi kaloi filoi. giati an oloi eixame filous kai eimastan kai emeis pragmatikoi filoi den tha ginontan ola auta. den tha xreiazomastan oute kan tin astinomia me tous pragmatikous filous kai tin ousiastiki dimokratia (kai oxi oxlokratia) kai to sintagma tis-mas.

    kai stin xora mas leipete dimokratia. Oxi opos tin katalabainete eseis. Eseis tin katalabainete opos tin dimokratia : perno kapoious tous bazo ekei, apoktoun dinami kai ergazontai gia ta simferonta mou. Ola auta presbeue o makiabeli sto ergo tou "monarxis" pou to exete kanei to prosopiko sas pisteuo kai oi men kai oi de. Den eksimnite tin dimokratia alla tin dinami. kai thelete dinami gia tin dinami. Oli i koinonia mas exei stirixthei sto poios exei tin dinami kai oxi se emas tous idious. Emeis oi idioi tha eprepe na endiaferomaste gia ton topo pou zoume. mesa se ti koinonia anaptisomaste kai oxi na theoroume magka auton pou exei ta "bismata".

    Den goustaro kanena ethnikisti i anarxiko giati autoi oi idioi den exoun kanena pisteuo. Simera mporei na einai me kapoious aurio tha einai me tous allous giati to mono pou tous odigei einai to misos tous gia tous allous kai oxi i agapi gia tin patrida tous. Den einai patriotes kai den tha eprepe na tous simperiferomaste san tetoious.

    xoriati ti na sou po? o fasismos se olo tou to megalio.

    Hey hitler!!!!! zoa

  38. Το ερώτημα είναι εάν πρόκειται για διασπορά φόβου ή για ουσιαστική συμβολή στην περιφρούρηση των ιδιοκτησιών των καταστηματαρχών...

    Οι λογικοί θα υποθέσουν το δεύτερο...

    Οι έχοντες αλλότρια κίνητρα το πρώτο...

    Να έχουν όμως υποψιν τους οι τελευταίοι οτι υπάρχουν και ιδρύματα για την αντιμετώπιση των ψυχικών νοσημάτων...



    Δημοσκόπηση για τον νέο γραμματέα του ΠΑΣΟΚ

  41. μαθανε κι αυτοί από τους ρουφιάνους τους δημοσιογράφους...πες πες κάτι θα γίνει κι αν δε γίνει, το κάνουμε...

  42. Δεν είναι αντισυνταγματικό (αφου βάσει Συντάγματος όλοι οι Έλληνες είναι ίσοι) οι ΔΕΗτζήδες να παίρνουν τζάμπα ρεύμα, να πλρώνονται περισσότερο, να έχουν ένα σωρό άλλα προνόμια, να διορίζουν τα παιδιά τους στη ΔΕΗ, να βγαίνουν στη σύνταξη στα 50 τους,και οι λοιποί εργαζόμενοι να μην έχουν ΤΙΠΟΤΑ ΑΠΟ ΟΛΑ ΑΥΤΑ και να βγαίνουν στη σύνταξη λίγα χρόνια ΠΡΙΝ ΠΕΘΑΝΟΥΝ;

    Το Συνταγματικό Δικαστήριο τί λέει;
    Ή μηπως πρέπει οι Έλληνες να υπερασπιστούν το Σύνταγμα μόνοι τους;






  44. Μαλιστα! Όταν η Αστυνομία δεν ενημερώνει, φωνάζουν όλοι οι δημοσιογραφ και δημοσιογραφίσκοι, επαγγελματές και ερασιτέχνες, ότι το Κράτος τους αφήνει απροστάτευτους. Όταν οι Αστυνομία μοιράζει φυλλάδια που λένε τα αυτονόητα, μέτρα τα οποία ούτως ή άλλως παίρνουν τα περισσότερα μεγάλα καταστήματα και κτήρια του Κέντρου, τότε "προβοκάρει" την συγκεντρωση!
    Αθάνατε νεοέλληνα, βλέπεις παντού συνωμοσίες, ή προσπαθείς να πείσεις τον κάθε ΒΛΑΚΑ ότι υπάρχουν συνωμοσίες...

  45. Δεν είναι αντισυνταγματικό (αφου βάσει Συντάγματος όλοι οι Έλληνες είναι ίσοι) οι ΔΕΗτζήδες να παίρνουν τζάμπα ρεύμα, να πλρώνονται περισσότερο, να έχουν ένα σωρό άλλα προνόμια, να διορίζουν τα παιδιά τους στη ΔΕΗ, να βγαίνουν στη σύνταξη στα 50 τους,και οι λοιποί εργαζόμενοι να μην έχουν ΤΙΠΟΤΑ ΑΠΟ ΟΛΑ ΑΥΤΑ και να βγαίνουν στη σύνταξη λίγα χρόνια ΠΡΙΝ ΠΕΘΑΝΟΥΝ;
    Μηπως ομως εινε μονο αυτοι τις ΔΕΗ,το συνολο του δημοσιου τομεα εχει παροχες που ενας υπαλληλος στον ιδιωτικο τομεα δεν μπορει καν να φανταστει.Ας θεσπισει λοιπον το κρατος ισα δικαιωματα σε ολους τους Ελληνες αλλα πως να γινει αυτο αφου στην ουσια μιλαμε για κατι που δεν υπαρχει πλεον.
    ξερεις εσυ κανα κρατος?
    Εγω ξερω μονο το μερος που ο καθενας κανει οτι θελει οπως το θελει και αυτοι που υποτιθετε επιβλεπουν και προστατευουν τον τοπο αρπανε τα περισοτερα και εινε μες στις μιζες.

  46. Δεν είναι αντισυνταγματικό (αφου βάσει Συντάγματος όλοι οι Έλληνες είναι ίσοι) οι ΔΕΗτζήδες να παίρνουν τζάμπα ρεύμα, να πλρώνονται περισσότερο, να έχουν ένα σωρό άλλα προνόμια, να διορίζουν τα παιδιά τους στη ΔΕΗ, να βγαίνουν στη σύνταξη στα 50 τους,και οι λοιποί εργαζόμενοι να μην έχουν ΤΙΠΟΤΑ ΑΠΟ ΟΛΑ ΑΥΤΑ και να βγαίνουν στη σύνταξη λίγα χρόνια ΠΡΙΝ ΠΕΘΑΝΟΥΝ;














  50. Φτου. Ντροπή και αίσχος για την ελληνική Αστυνόμια. Αυτοί δήθεν μας προστατεύουν ε; Τι να πω δημιουργόυν την εντύπωση πως όσοι διαδηλώνουν είναι εγκληματίες και προκαλούν ζημιές!

  51. Χαίρε ω χαίρε προδοσία Ελλήνων μαρξιστών και αριστερών δοσίλογων του Ελληνισμού...

    Τα πολιτικά αποβράσματα που έχουν το θάρρος να επικαλούνται τα ακόλουθα γενονότα ως κατορθώματα στις μέρες μας, θα παραμείνουν αποβράσματα και θα κάνουν πολλούς, να είναι βέβαια για αυτό, που στο παρελθόν έτειναν χέρι συμφιλίωσης και συνεργασίας, να το τραβήξουν έγκαιρα και υπολογισμένα πριν την δίκαιη τιμωρία που δεν παραγράφτηκε για τους ηθικούς και οχι μόνο αυτουργούς της Μικρασιατικής καταστροφής...

    Οι άθλιοι αυτοί των Ελλήνων που δεν έχουν το δικαίωμα να αποκαλούνται Ελληνες, έρχονται σήμερα να ανασύρουν γεγονότα και πληγές της Ιστορίας μας βάζοντας την ταφόπλακα στη περίοδο επιείκειας και συγχώρησης που διαμεσολάβησε.

    Θα πρέπει να γνωρίζουν όμως αυτοί οι δοσίλογοι του Ελληνισμού, οι αυτοαποκαλούμενοι αριστεροί ή μαρξιστές ότι οι καθοδηγητές τους, ενώ φρόντισαν να διασπασθεί το Ελληνικό μέτωπο, όπως τρανά οι ίδιοι ισχυρίζονται με πεμπτοφαλαγγίτικες τακτικές, έστειλαν ταυτόχρονα στον εχθρό τεράστιες ποσότητες όπλων αποκτηθέντων απο την σκληρή δουλεία (οχι ελεύθερη εργασία...) των ρώσων συντρόφων τους που λιμοκτονούσαν για να τα παράγουν.

    Έτσι οι ανόητοι «φιλειρηνιστές» καθοδηγούμενοι απο επιτελεία εγκληματιών της Μόσχας, ενεργούσαν για τον ίδιο τον εξανδραποδισμό τους... Χαίρε ω χαίρε προδοσία Ελλήνων μαρξιστών και αριστερών δοσίλογων του Ελληνισμού...

    «Ο Δ. Λιβιεράτος στο βιβλίο του Το ελληνικό εργατικό κίνημα 1918-1923 γράφει: “Μέσα σε λίγες εβδομάδες ολόκληρο το Μέτωπο καταρρέει, όχι τόσο από τα χτυπήματα του αντιπάλου, όσο γιατί οι Έλληνες στρατιώτες βαρέθηκαν να πολεμάνε και γυρίζουν στα σπίτια τους.

    Κάνουν ‘απεργία πολέμου’ κατά μια έκφραση της εποχής.” Το ίδιο ισχυρίζεται και ο Αβραάμ Μπεναρόγια στη βιογραφία του: “Η απεργία του στρατού στο μέτωπο έλυσε τη μικρασιατική τραγωδία”.
    Ο σοβιετικός καθηγητής Α. Νόβιτσεφ, στο βιβλίο του Turtsia: Kratkayia Istoria (σελ.161), γράφει: “Χάρη στην εκτεταμένη προπαγάνδα του Ελληνικού Κομμουνιστικού Κόμματος, που συνεργάστηκε με το Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα της Τουρκίας…, 100.000 φυγόστρατοι ή λιποτάκτες απέφυγαν τον ελληνικό στρατό… Ομάδες των κομμουνιστών παλαιμάχων της Μικράς Ασίας καυχώνταν ότι είχαν παίξει ‘οργανικό’ ρόλο διαδίδοντας τη σύγχυση και τον πανικό ανάμεσα στις ελληνικές μονάδες, τις κρίσιμες μέρες του Αυγούστου του 1922, όταν ο τουρκικός στρατός διέσπασε τις ελληνικές γραμμές…»

    Περιοδικό Αρδιν

    Παναγιώτης Μπαζιωτόπουλος

  52. kalieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ΠΟΥ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΤΑ ΓΑΜΙΔΙΑ ΤΑ BLOOPERAKIA???








  54. καλά, δεν τρέχει και τίποτα. Τυπικές μαλακίες. Τσάμπα δίνετε τόση έκταση σε μια χαζοανακοίνωση.

  55. Παναγιώτη Μπαζιωτόπουλε...


  57. Μπαζιωτόπουλε... ΓΙΑ ΤΑ ΜΠΑΖΑ ΕΙΣΑΙ.

  58. Αυτό το σχόλιο αφαιρέθηκε από τον συντάκτη.


  60. has a traffic rank of: 272,617





  61. xoriatis Giati xrhsimopoieis to nickname kapoiou allou? ma eisai kai ologon ti vlakas...xoriatis to nickname kai ypografeis ws xwriatis.

  62. Καλαματιανέ, έχεις δυο προβλήματα...

    Το πρώτο είναι οτι οχι μόνο δεν είσαι Καλαματιανός αλλά ούτε Καλαματιανή είσαι διότι φοράς χεσμένη κυλόττα... Οι καλαματιανές είναι παστρικές.

    Το δεύτερο είναι ότι είσαι και αγράμματη διότι δεν κατάλαβες οτι δοσίλογοι ήταν αυτοί που επικρίνω...

    Εύχομαι να μάθεις Ελληνικά και τότε θα χαρώ να τα πούμε υπό την προϋπόθεση οτι θα έχεις πλύνει την κυλόττα σου...

  63. Σπέρνουν τον φόβο για την αυριανή απεργία...
    Το πλήρες περιεχόμενο απορρητου εγγράφου που μοιράζει η Αστυνομία στο κέντρο της Αθήνας...


    Μπαζιωτοπουλε μαζεψε την γλωσσα σου και μην βριζεις οποιον εχει διαφορετικη αποψη απο σενα για το θεμα...γιατι ξερουμε και εμεις οι ανωνυμοι να βριζουμε!!!!

  64. γ



  65. Ώπα ρε αγωνιστές του γλυκού νερού, που χεστήκατε από μια ανακοίνωση.Τα αυτονόητα λέει...Ας είσασταν ικανοί να περιφρουρήσετε τις πορείες...αλλα σιγά μη σας νοιάζει...

  66. @ 3.37

    Φίλε, οι μπλούπερσ δεν μπορούν να γράψουν γιατί ταξιδεύουν.

    Αυτή τη στιγμή είναι στ'αεροπλάνο που τους φέρνει από Τορόντο για να συμμετάσχουνε στην αυριανή διαδήλωση κατά του ασφαλιστικού...


  67. First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly First Blood (1982)
    * photos * board * trailer * details

    John Rambo is a disoriented Vietnam Vet. He is hitchhiking from town to town to see friends from the war. A sheriff tries to make him leave town and when he refuses, arrests him for vagrancy. While in jail, a deputy takes delight in abusing him. Rambo escapes showing his old Vietnam fighting skills and takes to the woods as the sheriff and deputies try and find him in his element. Things get out of hand as Colonel Trautman Rambo's old commander appears to shed light on the situation. Written by John Vogel {}

    Ex-Green Beret John Rambo wanders up north in search of a friend. Rambo was awarded with the medal of honor for his service in Vietnam but has not found solace in the States thereafter. And he certainly does escape prejudice when a small town's tough, idealistic sheriff spots him entering. The sheriff believes Rambo would be something of a light disturbance to the town and tries to keep him out. When Rambo rebels and then escapes into the cold misty forests, the force embarks on a massive manhunt to subdue him flanked by his former superior officer Colonel Trautman who knows the odds and ends of Rambo's cunning. Written by Anonymous

    John Rambo, a former Green Beret and Medal of Honor recipient, is plagued by the awful changes that are common in Vietnam veterans like himself. A drifter on his way to get some food, Rambo is arrested by Will Teasle, a small town sheriff who is used to getting things his way. Once incarcerated, Rambo soon finds himself reliving the awful memories of his fighting days in the 'Nam as he is put through the basic tests that are mandatory for all prisoners of the law. Rambo escapes and what follows is an intense manhunt for a man who only "wanted something to eat." As the publicity of Rambo's one man war escalates, Teasle and his posse are confronted by Colonel Trautman, Rambo's former commander and the only one who may be able to stop the terrible fate awaiting everyone involved. Written by Bug {}

    John Rambo is a Vietnam Veteran, winner of the Medal of Honour for serving his country in the Vietnam war and the last surviving member of the unit he was in. Rambo arrives in a small town, where he is arrested by the abusive local Sheriff Will Teasle for refusing to leave town. Rambo is mistreated and he relives his painful memories of being tortured in a prison camp, which goes too far and Rambo escapes from police custody. Rambo is pursued by the Teasle and the local police into the woods and Rambo begins a personal war with Teasle, and uses his combat skills and hunts down Teasle and his men. Rambo's former commanding officer Colonel Samuel Trautman arrives believing Teasle and his men don't stand a chance with Rambo, and tries to put Rambo's personal war to a end, as Teasle wants Rambo dead. Written by Daniel Williamson

    Wandering into a small town in Oregon, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is arrested for vagrancy by corrupt, abusive Sheriff Will Teasle. When Rambo can't stand anymore abuse at the hands of Teasle and his deputies, Rambo goes crazy, killing a deputy and escaping into the surrounding hills, massively armed with every weapon he needs. The local authorities bring in Rambo's former commanding officer, colonel Samuel Trautman, and all Trautman does is tell the locals that they had better get a lot of body bags ready. Written by Todd Baldridge

    In lower Washington State in December 1981, John Rambo, a Medal of Honor-winning former Green Beret, finds that he is the last surviving member of his unit. Disconsolate after finding out the death of his last remaining comrade, he wanders into the nearby town of Hope, WA, where local sheriff Wilfred Teasle gives him a lift - straight out of town; Teasle explains in no uncertain terms that "drifters" like Rambo are not welcome in town. Insulted by Teasle's action, Rambo boldly returns to town and is falsely arrested for vagrancy and resisting arrest. His treatment at the hands of Teasle's deputies grows even harsher, as he is beaten and sprayed with a firehose. When the deputies try to force-shave him, Rambo (briefly flashing back to memories of Communist torture in a prison camp) goes berserk and breaks free; he commandeers a motorcycle and flees into the nearby hills. As the sheriff's posse purses, one belligerent deputy violates orders and tries to kill Rambo - and in the process an accident leaves the deputy dead. Misunderstandings pile up and Teasle shoots Rambo, but Rambo survives and when the posse press their pursuit, Rambo uses his well-honed survival and combat skills to cripple the posse and leave Teasle with a warning to leave him alone - a warning repeated by Rambo's recently arrived former commander, who understands how outclassed Teasle and newly arrived National Guardsmen are against Rambo in the thick forest. Teasle, however, wants Rambo dead, and the pursuit leads to a bloody confrontation and a final plea for and end to the violence. Written by Michael Daly

    3:04 μμ

    Εμπρός για εξίσωση προς τα άνω.

    Εξίσωση των μισθών ΟΛΩΝ των δημοσίων υπαλλήλων με τον μισθό του ΠΡΟΕΔΡΟΥ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑΣ

    Να αναγκάσουμε και τους βιομήχανους να δίνουν στους εργαζομένους μισθούς τουλάχιστον ΔΕΗ, αν όχι βουλευτών.

    Εξίσωση των ωρών εργασίας με τις ώρες εργασίας του μέσου υπαλλήλου ΔΕΗ.



    ΥΓ. Και μετά όλοι στην παράσταση "Ο ΚΑΡΑΓΚΙΟΖΗΣ ΑΠΕΡΓΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΔΕΗ"

  69. Όλα τα ζωντανά περίγυρα, χτήνη, δέντρα και άνθρωποι, έπλεκαν ακυβέρνητα μέσα στην αποθάρρυνση και την ανία. Μέσα τους είχαν κάτι τι ανήσυχο• επίβουλο κάτι επεριπετούσεν ολόγυρά τους• ο εφιάλτης αδάμαστος εκαθόταν στην ψυχή και την ανάγκαζε να ποθή αόριστα και όμως ασυμβίβαστα με τη ζωή και την αποστολή της. Τα χτήνη με τη μύτη ακουμπισμένη στη γη, τ’ αυτιά κάτω ριγμένα, την ουρά αργοκίνητη, βασιλεμένα τα μάτια εφρύμαζαν και αναχαράζονταν κι ετρεμούλιαζαν το σώμα, λες κι επάσχιζαν να διώξουν την ασφυξία που θανατική τα ετριγύριζε. Τα δέντρα, με τα φύλλα κρεμασμένα στα κλωνάρια τους, άψυχα μόλις εκινούνταν με φρικίαση στο λαβρόκαφτο φύσημα.

  70. O Tζιριτόκωστας, μόλις άφησε το σπίτι της Kρουστάλλως, έτρεξεν αμέσως να κρυφθή στον αχυρώνα του. Kι εκεί, κάτω από το κόκκινο φως ενός κεριού, ενώ το χωριό εβυθιζόταν στον ύπνο και τη νύχτα, άγρυπνος αυτός άνοιξε τα σακκούλια του να ιδή και ν’ απολάψη τα κέρδη του. Aρπαχτική ανατριχίλα επάγωνεν απ’ άκρη σ’ άκρη το σώμα του• αχόρταστη λαχτάρα ετυραννούσε την ψυχή του. Tα χέρια του με τρέμουλα έπιασαν τα σχοινιά του σακκουλιού και τα μάτια του ορθάνοιχτα, φλογισμέν’ από την προσδοκία, εφαίνονταν πως ήθελαν να κατακάψουν με τη λάμψης τους τα πανιά. Ένα με τ’ άλλο άπλωσεν ο ζητιάνος στο άχυρο επάνω δύο ολοκαίνουργα, γαϊτανοκεντημένα σαλβάρια από μαύρη τσόχα• ένα γυναίκειο πουκάμισο με χρυσογάζωτη τραχηλιά και πλατυκεντημένον από κοκκινοπράσινο γνέμα ποδόγυρο• δύο κεφαλόδεσμους ουγιωτούς με χοντρή ούγια και κρόσσα τρισπίθαμα• άλλους δυο κεφαλόδεσμους ολομέταξους, γυαλιστερούς και μαλακούς, με χρυσοκλωνοκέντητες άκρες και κρόσσα χρωματιστά• μία φουστανοποδιά μάλλινη πυκνοκεντημένη και μαλλοκροσσάτη• δύο πισκίρια στενά και μακρύτατα, που ημπορούσε να σκεπάσουν τα γόνατα δώδεκα τραπεζοκαθισμένων. Έβγαλεν ακόμη ένα πιτούρι κι ένα πισιλί από γαλάζιο πανί• ένα ζουνάρι και άλλα χίλια μύρια των Kαραγκούνηδων τα γιορτινά αλλαξίμια και των γυναικών τις πολύτιμες αρματωσές. Tο φως του κεριού ζηλότυπο έπεφτ’ επάνω τους κι έκανε ν’ αναδίνουν χρωματιστές λάμψεις τα χρυσογάιτανα και ν’ αβροφέγγουν τα μεταξωτά και να μαρμαίρη το ρούχο το άβαλτο, που ήλιος δεν το χτύπησεν ακόμη και αέρας δεν το έδειρε και βροχή δεν το νότισε. Kαι από το σύνολον του σωρού εκείνου κάποια τρυφεράδα επλανόταν αόρατη κι εχυνόταν περίγυρα μοσχοβόλημα λεβάντας και ρούχων ανάμικτο, που έδειχνε με πόση λαχτάρα και φροντίδα ήσαν φυλαγμένα στ’ άδυτα του σπιτιού, κειμήλια της οικογενείας, τα πράγματα εκείνα και τι ευαίσθητη χορδή των γυναικών έθιξεν επιτήδεια ο ζητιάνος, για να κατορθώση να τα φέρη στην κατοχή του!

  71. ΕΠΙΤΕΛΟΥΣ, να ζητηθούν ευθύνες εκ μέρους των απλών νομιμοφρόνων πολιτών της χώρας, από την ηγεσία της Ελληνικής Αστυνομίας.

    Αν εγώ πάω ένα πρωί και αρχίσω να σπάω ένα αυτοκίνητο στο κέντρο της πόλης ή να βάζω φωτιές και να πετάω βόμβες μολότων, θα πάρουνε οι γύρω τηλέφωνο και θα έρθουνε να με μαζέψουνε οι μπάτσοι.


    Έχουνε πιο πολλά δικαιωμάτα από μένα; Δεν υπάγονται στον ποινικό κώδικα;; Θεωρείται "πολιτική πράξη"; Τι στο διάλο;

    Ποιον φοβάστε ρε αστυνόμοι; Τον Σύριζα;; Τι εντολές έχετε πάρει ΝΑ ΚΑΘΕΣΤΕ ΚΑΙ ΝΑ ΤΟΥΣ ΚΟΙΤΑΤΕ ΣΑ ΓΑΜΗΜΕΝΟΙ ΧΑΝΟΙ;;; Τι εξυπηρετεί η παθητική στάση της αστυνομίας;;;

    Προσοχή, δεν εξετάζω τα δίκαια ή όχι αιτήματα μιας διαδήλωση ή μιας απεργίας. Μπορεί να γίνεται για δίκαιους λόγους. Μιλάω για την παθητική στάση της αστυνομίας απέναντι ΣΕ ΠΟΙΝΙΚΕΣ ΠΡΑΞΕΙΣ.

    Ρε αστυνόμοι και μπατσάκια, ΔΕΝ ΕΙΣΤΕ ΑΠΛΑ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΟ ΥΠΑΛΛΗΛΟΙ, καταλάβετέ το. Πρέπει να είστε ΑΝΕΞΑΡΤΗΤΟΙ από τις πολιτικές εξουσίες και τις κομματικές εντολές. Η ασφάλεια του απλού πολίτη, η τήρηση του νόμου και η τάξη είναι η αποστολή σας, ΔΕΝ ΕΙΣΤΕ ΑΠΛΑ ΡΟΜΠΟΤΑΚΙΑ ΠΟΥ ΥΠΑΚΟΥΝ ΣΕ ΕΝΤΟΛΕΣ ΤΟΥ ΚΑΘΕ ΣΑΠΙΟΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΑΝΤΗ. Είστε μέρος του και έχετε ΧΡΕΟΣ απέναντι στον ελληνικό λαό, απέναντι στον απλό Έλληνα πολίτη.

    Επιτέλους ρε κωλοαναρχικοί, τι προσπαθείτε να αλλάξετε με τις πράξεις σας; Θέλετε να φτιάξετε στέκια για να βλέπετε αριστερές ταινίες; Φτιάξτε τα, κανένα πρόβλημα; Θέλετε να μην υπάρχουν κράτη και τα λοιπά; Ε άντε, προσπαθήστε να πάρετε με τη ΒΙΑ την εξουσία, ΟΠΩΣ ΠΡΟΠΑΓΑΝΔΙΖΕΤΕ, να δούμε αν θα τα καταφέρετε...

    Βέβαια, οι αλλαγές γίνονται ειρηνικά με συλλογικές προσπάθειες.


    Ή μήπως υπάρχει κάποια ΠΟΛΥ ΒΡΩΜΙΚΗ εξήγηση για όλα αυτά;;;;


    Επίδοξος πολίτης της Ελλάδος

  72. babis, τη διάβασες την ανακοίνωση? αύριο που θα βγείς για μαλακό κλαρίνο στο κέντρο, μη φορέσεις τα 12ποντα και δε μπορείς να τρέξεις κούκλα μου

  73. bloobers απο ποτε ξεκινατε και γραφετε ανωνυμα?
    Γινατε κοτουλες??

  74. mesa se ti koinonia anaptisomaste kai oxi na theoroume magka auton pou exei ta "bismata".

    Den goustaro kanena ethnikisti i anarxiko giati autoi oi idioi den exoun kanena pisteuo. Simera mporei na einai me kapoious aurio tha einai me tous allous giati to mono pou tous odigei einai to misos tous gia tous allous kai oxi i agapi gia tin patrida tous. Den einai patriotes kai den tha eprepe na tous simperiferomaste san tetoious.

    xoriati ti na sou po? o fasismos se olo tou to megalio.

    Hey hitler!!!!! zoa

    11 Μάρτιος 2008 2:26 μμ


    Δεν μας λες, ρε πιθηκε...
    Σε ποια κωλοχωρα εχεις μαθει τα λιγα γραμματα που ξερεις?

    Και, ποια ειναι η αιτια που αγωνιζεσαι να δειξεις μπροστα σε ελληνικο κοινο ποσο πιθηκος εισαι?

    ( ενας ελληνας δεν θα εγραφε ποτε "magkas" . Κατι τετοιο προερχεται μαλλον απο βλαχους ή αγγλους )

  75. Μπαμπινο χρονια πολλα για την γιορτη σου αυριο,εινε του ΑΗ ΠΟΥΣΤΗ.Αυριο θα σου κανουν την κωλοτριπιδα σαν τα μανικια του παπα.

  76. Αγαπητέ και εξαιρετικέ φίλε 6.13,

    τώώώώώώώώώώώρα? τόσο στενή ήταν πριν χρόνια, τώρα μιλάμε για διώρυγα Παναμά και βάλε.

    Πάντα με εκτίμηση,

  77. Ο κύριος που θέλει να δώσουν άδεια οπλοχρησίας στους μαγαζάτορες και 6 φυσίγγια για να πυροβολήσουν τους αναρχικούς, να πάει να βάλει την καραμπίνα στο ΓΚΩΛΟ του και τα 6 φυσίγγια στη μουνάρα του.

    Άντε γιατί το έχουμε παρατραβήξει εδώ μέσα με όλους τους νοσταλγούς της 7ετίας.

  78. 11 Μάρτιος 2008 6:53 μμ

    να δώσουν άδεια οπλοχρησίας στους μαγαζάτορες και 6 φυσίγγια για να πυροβολήσουν τους αναρχικούς.



  79. Οταν Δολοφονούσαν τους Εβραίους, λέγαμε:
    -Καλά τους κάνουν. Εμείς δεν κινδυνεύουμε

    Οταν δολοφονούσαν τους ασθενείς και μειονοτικούς, λέγαμε:
    -Καλά τους κάνουν ! Να καθαρίσει η Χώρα

    Οταν δολοφονούσαν τους ίδιους τους Γερμανούς, σαν αριστερούς, λέγαμε:
    -Καλά τους κάνουν ! Ας κάθονταν ήσυχοι

    Οταν δολοφονούσαν τους κεντρώους Γερμανούς, σαν αντικαθεστωτικούς, λέγαμε:
    -Δεν μας αφορά ! Εμείς είμαστε νομιμόφρονες !

    Οταν δολοφονούσαν τους δικούς μας, σαν δολιοφθορείς, λέγαμε:
    -Κάποιο λάθος θάγινε !

    -Οταν ήλθε η σειρά μας, γύρισαν κατά πάνω μας μαζί με τα ξίφη τους, τα στερνά λόγια των αδικοσκοτωμένων, οι κατάρες των μανάδων, τα ουρλιαχτά των βασανισμένων, η οργή του έθνους, η χλεύη του κόσμου όλου, η κατάρα του Θεού και των Θεών τους, το σκοτάδι της αβύσσου.

    Και αίφνης, τα πρόσωπά μας έβγαλαν πληγές ρέουσες και γεννήκαμε σαν τα σκιάχτρα της κόλασης. Και ένα χέρι μας πέταξε στο αιώνιο καμίνι και από τότε οι μικρές μας ψυχές στοιβάζονται στο σκοτάδι και τα παιδιά μας ούτε το φώς ενός μικρού κεριού δεν χαλαλίζουν για μας. Γιατί θρέψαμε ΕΜΕΙΣ τα τέρατα, γιατί ΑΝΕΧΘΗΚΑΜΕ εμείς το τέρας του ναζισμού.

    Είμασταν μικροί, λιγόψυχοι και τιποτένιοι. Και η χλεύη των "ηττημένων" έρχεται από τα παράθυρα του παραδείσου σαν η αιώνια μας τι-ΜΩΡΙΑ.


    Από τον Μπ. Μπρέχτ, σε ελεύθερη απόδοση

  80. Περνάει ο Στρατός Κατοχής της ΓΕΝΟΠ,
    Του Έλληνα Πολίτη ο σκληρός τιμωρός,
    στο πέρασμά του πέφτει η τάση δεν έχουμε φώς
    και προς το Εφάπαξ περπατεί.

    Περνάει ο Στρατός Κατοχής της ΓΕΝΟΠ,
    Κλειστείτε στ’ ασανσέρ τι μας νοιάζει εμάς,
    Ψοφήστε και χωρίς τα οξυγόνα σας,
    Τα κεκτημένα μας νάναι καλά,
    στο διάβα η ΓΕΝΟΠ διακόπτες κλείνει
    και μωβ κορδέλλες παντού σκορπά.

    Καμαρωτά περνούν τα φασιστάκια μας,
    πατσοκοιλιές σπέρνουνε τσαμπουκά,
    Φωτόπουλος και Ρίζος τα συνδικαλιστάκια μας
    που στον πολίτη σκορπούν θανατικό.

  81. Ο κύριος που θέλει να δώσουν άδεια οπλοχρησίας στους μαγαζάτορες και 6 φυσίγγια για να πυροβολήσουν τους αναρχικούς, να πάει να βάλει την καραμπίνα στο ΓΚΩΛΟ του και τα 6 φυσίγγια στη μουνάρα του.

    Άντε γιατί το έχουμε παρατραβήξει εδώ μέσα με όλους τους νοσταλγούς της 7ετίας.
    # posted by Ανώνυμος : 11 Μάρτιος 2008 6:53 μμ

    E οχι και φυσίγγια, κανονικά μυδραλιοβόλο πρέπει να τους δίνουνε, και καμία χειροβομβίδα για ώρα ανάγκης.... αφού δεν έχουνε να κάνουνε με μεμονωμένα ΖΩΑ αλλά με λεφούσια και ορδές γαμημένων κάφρων...

    Εγω πχ που έκανα αμάν να πάρω ένα αμαξάκι 1200 κυβικά τόσα χρόνια, έτσι και δω κάποιον να μου το σπάει ή κυρίως να το καίει, θα τον αφήσω στον τόπο, ειλικρινά. Άμα όμως είναι πολλοί;;;; Εκεί είναι που μπαίνει ο παράγοντας μυδραλιοβόλο.

  82. Πάρε μπούλο λούγκρα βρωμερή, σταμάτα να με ενοχλείς γιατί θα σου σπάσω τη μάπα αρρωστημένη λινάτσα, γαμώ το σπίτι σου.













    1 Με αητού ψυχή και θώρι
    και μ΄απλή κι αγνή καρδιά
    μόνον οι κουκουλοφόροι
    βλέπουν γύρω καθαρά.

    2 Κι ενώ οι άλλοι λέν τι «πρέπει»
    και πια παύουν-και σιωπούν,
    οι κουκουλοφόροι έπη
    γράφουν,δίχως να μιλούν.

    3 Όταν καίνε τις σημαίες
    και του «Αγνώστου» τη σκοπιά
    πλαστουργούν σκιερές αλέες
    να βαδίσει η Ανθρωπιά.

    4 Κι ας φωνάζουν οι αχρείοι
    ελληνίδος όπου γης,
    και καθείς ας επισείει
    απειλές λογής λογής

    5 για τους νέους,που «βεβηλώνουν»,
    όπως όλοι λεν αυτοί
    τα ιερά,όταν ξηλώνουν
    ό,τι χρήζει να χαθεί.

    6 Κι αν εκάη μία σημαία
    χίλιες καιν οι βουλευτές
    βίλλα φτιάχνοντας μια νέα
    με λεφτά από τις κλεψ ιές.

    7 Κι άλλες χίλιες ο καθένας
    κομματόσκυλο,ή ένας
    κρατικός αρχιληστής,

    8 όταν κλέβει απ΄του Δημόσιου
    τον φτωχό τον κορβανά
    ιερό δίχως και όσιο
    κάτι να τον σταματά.

    9 Κι όποιον κλέφτει,τονε στέλνουν,
    όχι για τη φυλακή,
    μα στο σπίτι τον πηγαίνουν
    να τα φάει ήσυχα εκεί.

    10 Όμως όταν χαλαστούνε
    μια καρέκλα,ένα σκαμνί,
    οι ληστές αυτοί βοούνε
    για την αβαρία αυτή.

    11 Κι όλοι ενώ είναι πνιγμένοι
    στα κλεμμένα τους λεφτά
    στο ρεφραίν καθείς τους μένει:
    «ποιος θα τα πληρώσει αυτά;»

    12 Ω! Μιαροί! Ο κουκουλοφόρος
    δεν μιαίνει τα ιερά:
    των ηρώων μαντατοφόρος
    νέα σάς φέρνει τρομερά.

    13 Ένα αγώνα φέρνει νέον
    στην πανάθλιά σας γη
    και σας λέει: «ξεχάστε πλέον
    όσα κάνατε όλοι πριν».

    14 Κι οι μολότωφ του θ’ ανάψουν
    μια τρανή τώρα φωτιά
    και συθέμελα θα κάψουν
    όσα σάπια και παλιά.

    15 Οι κουκουλοφόροι δίνουν
    σάρκα στ΄ όνειρο κι οστά
    κι όλα πίσω τους τ΄αφήνουν
    και τραβούν γοργά μπροστά.

    16 Απ΄τα βάθη των αιώνων
    οι ήρωές μας τους θωρούν
    και θερμά μ΄ευχές τους ραίνουν
    και μ΄ευλόγια όση μπορούν.

    17 Κι αν εζούσανε και τώρα,
    θα διαδήλωναν μαζί,
    με κεινούς όπου η χώρα
    θέλουν λεύτερα να ζει.

    18 Κι αν υπήρχανε,οι ιδιοι
    πρώτοι θα ΄βαζαν φωτιά,
    κι άλλη μια στις που ΄χουν ήδη
    δόξας παίρνοντας πρωτιά.

    19 Ω! Αν εζούσαν οι καλοί μου
    θα ΄χανε ξεσηκωθεί
    κι όλοι οι άθλιοι του Μαξίμου
    θα ΄χανε έρριζα χαθεί.

    20 Δε σκοτώθηκαν εκείνοι
    για να οργιάζει η διαφθορά
    για ν΄ ανθούν μαφιόζων κτήνη
    και να καίει η αγορά΄

    21 τα παιδιά μας για να βγαίνουν
    κούτσουρα από τα σχολειά,
    και πάντα άνεργα να μένουν
    κι ας γυρεύουνε δουλειά΄

    22 οι εργάτες μες στους δρόμους
    αρρωσταίνοντας να σβυουν,
    να τους λένε παρανόμους
    αν πεινώντας απεργούν,

    23 ο αλλοπρόσαλλος ο «θείος»
    τρισεκατομμύρια να ΄χει
    ο λαός ενώ αισίως
    για ευρώ ένα δίνει μάχη,

    24 kαι αβίωτος να ΄ν΄ο βίος
    σε παιδάκια τρυφερά
    και να δυστυχεί αισίως
    κάθε μια νοικοκυρά.

    25 Φλόγα που τα βρώμια καίει
    και τα σάπια καταλεί!,
    ο εμπρηστής,όχι δε φταίει,
    μα η πατρίδα τον φιλεί..

    26 Όλοι οι ήρωες του «Αγνώστου»
    άμοιροι ήσαν και φτωχοί
    που καθένα ο υπουργός του
    έστελνε να σκοτωθεί,

    27 για να μένει εκείνος σώος
    κι απ΄τις σάρκες τους να ζει
    σαν αυτός να ΄ναι αθώος
    ή αυτοί να ΄ταν χαζοί.

    28 Για να βγαίνουν βουλευτήδες
    Άκηδες βλητοκουτοί
    και να πνίγουν Παπουτσήδες
    τις Σαμίνες με κουπί.

    29 Οι ήρωες –όχι!-δε χαθήκαν
    για να κλέβει ο βουλευτής
    κι ο υπουργός να ΄χει για προίκα
    θησαυρούς ολοζωής.

    30 Και «αυτή ΄ναι η Ελλάδα»
    Για να πει πρωθυπουργός,
    που του πρέπει μες στη ΓΑΔΑ
    και δοχείο ναν΄ νυκτός.

    31 Ω! Γενναίοι κουκουλοφόροι!
    Η φιλτάτη μας πατρίς
    της Βουλής δεν είναι οι χώροι,
    μα όπου είστε,είναι,εσείς!

    32 Από εσάς, αν είναι να ΄λθει
    θα ΄λθει πάλι η λευτεριά
    που ο Πολιτικός εβάλθη
    ν’ ανταλλάξει με σκλαβιά.

    33 Εις εσάς χτυπάει κλεισμένη
    της πατρίδος η καρδιά
    κι από σας μόνο προσμένει
    όπως τότε ελευθεριά.

    34 Και ο Ευρωπαίος κυττάει
    τον αγώνα τον ιερό
    τους δυνάστες σας ρωτάει:
    «θε΄τε ν΄αναλάβω εγώ;»

    35 Απ΄τις μαύρες σας κουκούλες
    πίσω εκρύφθη η λευθεριά
    όπως μέσα σε σακκούλες
    να μη σβυούνε τα κεριά.

    36 Μα κεριού δεν είναι αχτίδα
    ό,τι πίσω έχετε εκεί-
    μόνο είναι θρυαλλίδα
    βόμβας πλούτου φονική.

    37 Κι ανυπόμονα το χέρι
    που τηνε κρατεί κυττά
    καθώς βιάζεται να φέρει
    εις στους σκλάβους λευθεριά.

    38 Κάψτε πύργους,κάψτε κάστρα,
    κτίριο κάψτε αισχρής Βουλής-
    στείλτε μήνυμα προς τ΄άστρα
    ότι φέγγετε κι εσείς.

    39 Ρίξτε πλούτια υψωμένα
    ως της φτώχειας το λαιμό!
    Ρίξτε ονόματα πρησμένα
    από Χρήμα και Καιρό!

    40 Σπάστε! Κάψετε! Ρημάξτε!
    Κι ό,τι θένε,όποιοι,ας πουν:
    Σας τρομάζουνε; Τρομάξτε!
    Σας ζημιώνουν; Να χαθούν!

    41 Και μη σκέψη γεννηθεί σας
    πως χαλάτε ξένο βιος:
    όλη η Πλάση είναι δική σας
    μιας και βγήκατε στο φως.

    42 Κάτω οι πατρίδες όπου
    βλέπουν μόνο ένα παιδί
    και κάθε άλλο, τόπου όποιου
    το αφήνουν να χαθεί.

    43 Θάνατος στα έθνη εκείνα
    τέκνα ανάξια που γεννούν
    και ποδοπατούν τα κρίνα
    και τσουκνίδες καλλιεργούν.

    44 Κάτω ως ρίχτει ’λάφι λιόντας
    ρίξτε κάστρα ανίερα
    για του έθνους πολεμώντας
    τα σεπτά και τα ιερά.

    45 Τέτιο κράτος ας πεθάνει
    τέτιο κράτος ας χαθεί
    όπου εννιά η κακία κάνει
    και μια κάνει η αρετή.

    46 Στους μιαρούς της χώρας πρέπει
    χαλασμός και συφορά,
    χαλασμός αφού τους τέρπει
    και φιλούν τη συφορά.

    47 Δεν αξίζει για να ζήσει
    ένα κράτος σαν αυτό
    που ρεμούλα και μπαξίσι
    παίζουν μέσα του κρυφτό.

    48 Με μολότωφ και σφεντόνα
    θα ΄ρθει πάλι ξαστεριά-
    με παιδιά που στον αγώνα
    πολεμάνε σα θεριά.

    49 Και πατρίδα φκιάστε νέα
    που η χαρά του καθενού
    να ’ναι τ΄άλλου η παρέα-
    και οι δυο τους τ’ ουρανού.

    50 Και μια φτιάχτε νια πατρίδα
    να ΄ναι μάνα για ολουνούς,
    καρπισμένη να ’ν’ η ελπίδα
    κι άνθος της να είναι ο νους.

    51 Και «εκπρόσωποι» να λείψουν
    με την πέτρινη ματιά
    που κυττούν κάθε να κρύψουν
    των πατρώνων τους βρωμιά.

    52 Από σας μονάχα η χώρα
    θα ’δει πάλι προκοπή,
    απ’ των βουλευτών της πρώτα
    την κλεψιά αν αποκοπεί....

    53 Άγνωστοι Άγνωστον εκάψαν.
    Δε σας λέει αυτό,μιαροί,
    φωτιά αυτοί πως δεν ανάψαν
    μα μνημόσυνου κερί;

    54 Υψηλό ό,τι συμβολίζει
    του Αγνώστου το ιερό
    των νεαρών δεν το βρωμίζει
    η ορμή,όσον καιρό.

    55 Οι «άγνωστοι» τις ευλογίες
    παίρνουν των παλληκαριών
    που τιμήσαν τις αξίες
    των προγονικών γενιών.

    56 Ω! Σεμνοί κουκουλοφόροι!
    Α! Ωραίοι καταστροφείς!
    Α! Οδηγοί σεις πρωτοπόροι
    για τα φώτα της Αυγής!

    57 Που εκάψατε θυμώνουν
    κάτι κάδους σκουπιδιών
    και ουρλιάζοντας ομώνουν
    να σας κάνουν σκιες σκιων.

    58 Μα οπλισμένμοι μ’ άγιο θάρρος
    και με όπλα παιδικά
    ο σοφός σεις είστε ο φάρος
    που φωτίζει ιδανικά.

    59 Κι αυτοί αξίζει να χαθούνε
    Απ’ το πρόσωπο της γης-
    μες στη μαύρης γης να μπούνε
    πάλι φως μη δουν αυγής.

    60 Όμως μέσα εις της ψυχής μου
    το βαρύν ανασασμό
    που ακλουθάει της ζωής μου
    του αγώνα τον καυμό,

    61 κλαίω τους χωροφυλάκους
    που ανίδεος υπουργός
    τους ωθεί μέσα σε λάκκους-
    τάχα εκεί πως ειν΄ εχθρός.

    62 Ειν΄αδέρφια μου και κείνα!
    Τα φτωχά μου! Τα καλά!
    Που η ανέχεια και η πείνα
    μες στις φλέβες τους κυλά.

    63 Και αυτό αξιοποιώντας
    ο υπουργός τους προσπαθεί
    «παρανόμους» δημιουργώντας
    μ΄αυτούς σκάλα ν΄ανεβεί.

    64 Και τους βάζει να χτυπούνε
    αδερφό και αδερφή
    ώστε εκείνοι να πονούνε
    και να καλοζούν αυτοί.

    65 Ναι! Εγώ! Πονώ για κείνους!
    Γιατί κάποτε κι εγώ
    θύμα ήμουν κάποιου κτήνους
    που με κράταγε βουβό.

    66 Κι ο υπουργός τους τους κρατάει
    με τα μάτια ολοκλειστά
    που δε θα ’χε γης να πάει
    αν τα είχανε ανοιχτά.

    67 Στων αγώνων τ΄ανηφόρι
    που στην πρόοδο τραβά
    οι έλληνες κουκουλοφόροι
    βλέπουν πάντα καθαρά.

    68 Ω! Απαίσιοι «πρεπολόγοι»!
    Ω! Αχρείοι μαστροποί!
    Σας αξίζουν τόσοι ψόγοι
    όσοι αίνοι στην ντροπή!

    69 Ω! Σεμνοί κουκουλοφόροι!
    Ω! Ωραίοι καταστροφείς!
    Οδηγοί είστε πρωτοπόροι
    για τα φώτα της Αυγής!

    70 Οδηγείστε! Οδηγείστε!
    Και σας ακλουθάμε εμείς!
    Ιχνηλάτες άξιοι είστε
    της Χαμένης Μας Τιμής!

    71 Το αίμα σας,πυρρό που στάζει,
    και γι Αυτήν έχει χυθεί,
    η Παιδεία το κυττάζει
    απ’ το βάθρο Της σβυστή.

    72 Χάμου απ΄της Βουλής ριγμένη
    την κερδόσκοπη βουλή,
    την πνοή σας περιμένει
    να πετάξει σαν πουλί.

    73 Σας φωνάζουνε βεβήλους
    για σκοπιά που ΄χει καεί-
    αλλ΄αυτοί ρίχνουν στους σκύλους
    άγια κι όσια για φαϊ.

    74 Κι οι «σκοπιές» που εκείνοι χτίζουν
    βεβηλώνουν συνεχώς
    με το πλούσιο που σκορπίζουν
    μαύρο κι άδικο ένα φως.

    75 Κι αυτοί σήμερα φωνάζουν
    για βεβήλωση ιερών,
    που ανεμόμυλοι φαντάζουν
    να ΄ναι όλων των καιρών.

    76 Κι ο πρωθυπουργός λυσσάει
    απ την Εσπερία μακριά
    και παλιά λόγια μασάει
    και τη μέρα λέει νυχτιά.

    77 Και η ίδια η Ευρώπη
    δίνοντας λεφτά με ουρά:
    «Φέουδό μου όλοι οι τόποι»
    υλακτιάει με χαρά.

    78 (Α! Ευρώπη! Λίγα θα ΄ναι
    και για σένα τα ψωμιά-
    οι ασιάτες ξεκινάνε
    να σε θάψουν με κορμιά.)

    79 Τρεις «μεγάλες» οικογένειες
    που το χρήμα δεν ψηφούν
    στου λαού πατούν τις έγνιες
    πιο «ψηλά» για ν΄ανεβούν.

    80 Και με οικογενειοκρατία,
    και με μπράβων της τον κλοιο
    της Βουλής η Αλητεία
    το λαό τρομάζει πλιο.

    81 Κι ως σε κάτοπτρο αντικρύζει
    τη θωριά της την αισχρή,
    ’σάς αληταριό βαφτίζει
    και φασίστες θεωρεί.

    82 Και με τον κουκουλοφόρο
    τα ’χουν βάλει οι νουδικοί
    που του κλέβουν μες στον ντόρο
    και τα τρώνε παρεκεί.

    83 Αλλ΄αυτός με μια σφεντόνα
    τα όσα κτήνη αψηφά
    και μ’ αλύγιστο το γόνα
    ν΄ανθρωπίσουν τους ζητά.

    84 Και βοηθό έχει παρέκει
    του λαού το αγνό λεφούσι
    που αν κι ακόμα άπραγο στέκει
    μα το τρέμουνε οι πλούσοι..

    85 Οι χαφιέδες ενάντιά του
    κοάζουνε των καναλιών,
    αναμέσον με δεινά του,
    φορτωμένων κουταλών.

    86 Και βοούν κοντυλοφόροι
    με χρυσάφι πληρωτοί
    τάχα οι κουκουλοφόροι
    για τη χώρα ειναι ντροπή.

    87 Και συφέρο αυτοί που έχουν
    να ΄χει ο λαός ζυγό,
    στα «παράθυρα» όλο τρέχουν
    κι άλλα λεν απ΄ό,τι εγώ.

    88 Και ιμάτια ξεσκιούνε
    για κουκούλες σαν ακούν,
    ενώ ευρώ χίλια τσιμπούνε
    κάθε λέξη που θα πουν.

    89 Και αλήτη τον βαφτίζουν
    και τον λεν φασισταριό
    το νεαρόν όπου λογχίζει
    της δουλείας το θεριό.

    90 Και καλά γραββατωμένοι
    και τα μάλα κορδωτοί
    σκνίπα γίνονται-οι καϋμένοι!-
    με ανοησίας πιοτί.

    91 Μα τους προσπερνάς σύ όλους
    και τα τέτια τ΄αγνοείς-
    συ μακριά είσαι από δόλους
    και διαθέσεις χαμερπείς,

    92 Τους σκυμμένους ξεντροπιάζεις,
    τους δοτούς ταρακουνάς
    τους φασίστες ξεμπροστιάζεις
    και τους δείχνεις και σε μας.

    93 Κι αιστανόμαστε ευφροσύνη
    σα σε βλέπουμε μπροστά
    και ας ειν’ στάχτη να γίνει
    ό,τι ο φαύλος σου χρωστά.

    94 Για όσους ζουν αναγκεμένοι
    στων μεγάλων την κλεψιά,
    και στης ζήσης είναι ξένοι
    τη γλυκάδα την αψιά,

    95 για όσους είν΄ πληγές γεμάτοι
    στην καρδιά και στην ψυχή
    και γι αυτούς να τους δει μάτι
    δεν υπάρχει,ούτε ευχή,

    96 για κεινούς που ούτε να δούνε
    μέρα ελπίζουνε καλή
    και συμπόνιας δεν τρυγούνε
    ψεύτικο έστω ένα φιλί,

    97 για όσους αίμα τους κι ιδρώτας
    των πλουσίων είναι σοδειά
    και παρά δε ζουν μετρώντας
    μα όλο αναπαραδιά,

    98 για κεινούς που να δουλέψουν
    θέλουν,κι άνεργοι όλο ζουν,
    και που μόνο αν θα κλέψουν
    την ημέρα τους περνούν,

    99 είναι οι κουκουλοφόροι
    φίλοι πρώτοι κι αδερφοί
    και σαν του ματιού έχουν κόρη
    την αγνή τους τη μορφή.

    100 Γι αυτούς οι κουκουλοφόροι
    δίκοπο είναι κοφτερό
    κι είναι σάρισα και δόρυ
    και πιοτό φαρμακερό,

    101 όπου σφάζει και τρυπάει
    και δλητήριο κερνά
    και ο πλούσιος μαρτυράει
    κι αίμα ό,τι έφαγε ξερνά.

    102 Κι από κείνους καρτεράνε
    οι φτωχοί το γδικιωμό
    και των τόσων προσδοκάνε
    των βασάνων τους σωσμό.

    103 Ω! Γενναίοι κουκουλοφόροι!
    Η φιλτάτη μας πατρίς
    της Βουλής δεν είναι οι χώροι
    μα όπου είστε είναι εσείς.

    104 Και μη σκέψη γεννηθεί σας
    πως χαλάτε ξένο βιος:
    όλη η Πλάση είναι δική σας
    μιας και βγήκατε στο φως.



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